Club Has Banner Year with Kettle Program
by Herb Tiede, Kettle Program Coordinator, (703) 221-7454
Woodbridge Kiwanis Club and the Potomac High School Key Club had a banner year in sporting the annual 2008 Salvation Army Kettle Program. The program started 7 November and continued every day, except Sundays, until the day before Christmas - 24 December. All in all, the Woodbridge Kiwanis Club provided 173 hours of service while the Potomac High School Key Club gave 38 hours of needed service to the Kettle Program. The total amount of money collected was $14,151.36. Donations appeared to be somewhat generous in spite of the financial situation in the country. Major Sam Vandenberg, Salvation Army, estimates collections are running about 15% higher than last year. This is a clear signal Salvation Army is appreciated by the people for the relief work they are doing in disaster areas and in time of need. Especially noteworthy is the willing support provided by the Key Club. They were eager and cheerful in carrying out their duties although they were sometimes a bit chilly in the December cold and winds.