Hill Club Prepare Dolls for Sick Children
by Janice MacKinnon
In December 2008, the members of the Kiwanis Club of Capitol Hill engaged in a very rewarding and heart-warming project. Thirty Kiwanian dolls were stiched, stuffed and packaged along with colored magic markers. These were delivered to the Children's National Medical Center in Washington DC. These dolls are used with children who need to undergo painful procedures or those who need a special toy to make their stay more enjoyable. Whatever the child might go through, so does the doll. The Club also collected and donated 2009 calendars to the patients at the Specialty Hospital of Washington.
Another on-going project is donating first-class stamps to the Stamp-Out-Loneliness Program. These stamps are distributed to incarcerated women to assist them on maintaining communication with their loved ones. So far 206 stamps have been provided to the program.