Key Club Service Projects
VP Projects Erin Willey, MB Key Club
If you've ever thought service projects have to be boring, then think again. There are countless enjoyable ways to spend a day helping out your community. Recently, I participated in a food drive outside of the local grocery store, Giant, and was pleasantly surprised how much I liked it. I got a great sense of accomplishment from setting up the collection area and making posters; I felt rewarded at the end of the day when I took a look and saw just how much food had been collected! People all want to help, and a food drive is just one way in which you can better your community. Some other good ideas for service projects may include:
- Beach cleanups with your friends
- Bake sales after school to raise money for a good cause
- Volunteering at local animal shelters
- Volunteering at local festivals or holiday celebrations
You can do all of this on your own, but Key Club has many chances where you can do all of this-and more-with a group of your friends.
As the year continues on, we will be doing many more service projects and opportunities to meet with others; some of which include walking for the March of Dimes, helping out UNICEF, helping with the Special Olympics, DCON, Food Drives, and other fun, service projects! Keep coming to the meetings to keep up to date with the newest of the service projects Key Club is doing! Please volunteer to help! We can always be helping others! (P.S. How well this applies to Kiwanians as well).
Pictured: Erin Wiley and Robbie Gutierrez report back to JMB Key Club after their Food Drive Service