Mary's College CKI Club Receives Numerous Awards
by Kelli Hill, President of the CKI Club of St.
Mary's College of Maryland
This past weekend, four student officers from St. Mary's College of Maryland CKI Club (Circle K International) attended the annual Capital District CKI Convention at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Timonium, MD. The Capital District is made up of 24 CKI clubs located in MD, DC, DE, and VA and the district is divided into eight divisions based on geographical location. Kelli Hill (President), Kristen Brunot (Vice President of Service), Erika Schmitt (Secretary), and Jay Massey (Vice President of Service) attended several workshops, elected new district officers, and walked away with six awards. Club President, Kelli Hill, was awarded the King Crab Award for performing over 150 service hours within the last year; club secretary, Erika Schmitt, was awarded with the Tremendous Timeliness Award for completing and submitting all monthly reports in a timely manner. St. Mary's CKI Club also received the Jeffrey M. Wolff Club Achievement Award and the Dale Larson Kiwanis-Family Relations Award. Additionally, Kiwanis Advisor; Glynnis Schmidt was given the Outstanding Kiwanis Advisor Award, and our club scrapbooker, Kristen (Kris) Brunot put together an amazing scrapbook which won first place in the Club Scrapbook contest.
The CKI Club is ready for another exciting year of service, leadership, and fellowship! The club is collecting items for their Canned Food Drive on April 1st, will be holding an officer training sessions for club officers at Great Mills High School Key Club, will be offering tie-dyeing to members of the community and campus during World Carnival, and will be helping to rehabilitate home for Christmas in April. Please contact Club President, Kelli Hill ( for more information on how you can help! The CKI Club at St. Mary's College and the Key Club at Great Mills High School are service leadership programs sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of St. Mary's County.
From left: Kelli Hill, Kristen Brunot, Erika Schmitt, and Jay Massey after a workshop session. |
left: Jay Massey (Treasurer), Kristen
Brunot (Vice President of Service),
Glynnis Schmidt (Kiwanis Advisor),
Kelli Hill (President), and Erika Schmitt
(Secretary) during the President's
Banquet. |
left: Jay Massey (Treasurer), Erika
Schmitt (Secretary) and Kristen Brunot
(Vice President of Service/Club Scrapbooker)
pose with the award-winning scrapbook. |
Left: Kelli Hill (President) and Erika
Schmitt (Secretary) served as delegates
during the House of Delegates during
District Convention. Each club in good-standing
is allowed to seat 2 delegates in the
House of Delegates sessions. |