Elementary School K-Kids Fundraiser
by David Landis
Pictured are members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater
Ocean Pines - Ocean City sitting among the tables
with the children on an inter-club visit to a
weekly meeting of the K-Kids, a Kiwanis sponsored
club for elementary schools, on February 5th.
The children used this week's meeting to prepare
the Tootsie Pops used in their Valentine's Candy
Gram fundraiser which the advisors are distributing.
The children sell the candy grams for fifty cents
each to raise money for two of the programs for
this year, namely, the "Relay
for Life" which supports cancer survivors and the "Humane Society". Advisors to the K-Kids Club are Julie Zurkle and Debi Wooten who supervised
the work of both the children and the Kiwanis
Club members in attendance. Lots of Tootsie Pops
for the Valentine Candy Grams were prepared to
be presented to recipients on Friday February
13th, making it a good Friday the 13th. Children
learning responsibility, teamwork, and leadership
to carry them through the rest of their lives.