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  April 2009
April '09 eBuilder Front Page

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March Busy With a Mid-Winter Conference Every Weekend; Southwest VA's in Wytheville April 4th
Photo Essay and article by PG Bob Cressy

Dateline "Everywhere" - March was busy month for the Capital District with a Mid-Winter Conference every weekend. But the good news is you only had to go to yours!

That's the big advantage of having Regional Mid-Winters. With conferences held near your home club, i.e. in your Kiwanis Region, you are but a short drive to get to your nearest gathering. The combined attendance at the eight de-centralized M-Ws is greatly increased over the old style "big tent" event. Being held closer to you means you have less driving time, don't need to stay overnight and it costs you less. You can block out one day to have all your club officers and committee chairs trained together.

Also, many of your Capital District committee chairs, instructors and District officers come to you to bring that resource right to your door. Thanks for your participation!

After the Northern Virginia and DelMarVA Region Mid-Winters in January, and Heart Of Virginia Region in February, March saw the Hampton Roads M-W in Norfolk, the Presidential Region's in Weyers Cave, VA, Potomac Region in Silver Spring, MD, and finally the Mason Dixon Mid-Winter Conference in conjunction with the 49th Capital District CKI Convention in Timonium, Maryland. Next week, April 4th, it will be the Southwest Virginia Mid-Winter in Wytheville, Virginia.

A picture tells a thousand words, some say, so here are a few with some words to give you a 'photo essay' around the last four Mid-Winters. Enjoy yourself, looking at yourselves and your Kiwanis friends. Tell others to take a look!

Hampton Roads Mid-Winter
The Hampton Roads Mid-Winter was the first one in March this year with the best weather of the four. Capital District Kiwanis Governor Tom Ganse was the Key Note speaker at the luncheon reviewing where the District stands to date and covering the District's Strategic Plan. His ending question is very thought provoking: "Are we as willing to prepare for the future as we are to preserve our past?"
District Governors have a "Governor's Project" for the year, a project of special interest to them. Governor Tom Ganse has chosen "CPR Teddy". 'What' some of you might say? CPR Teddy is rather ingenious actually. It is a small teddy bear about the size of an infant or small child which has electronic pressure points in it that talk to help train and teach adults to properly administer CPR to a child. If you were to do it as with an adult's technique and pressure you could severely injure the child, doing more harm than good. Here LG Scott Zimmerman, Division 23, presents a check for $500.00 for the purchase of bears for distribution to CPR instructors. Nice.
The Hampton Roads Region is made up of four divisions and is the largest region in CDK. They prove the adage that "you can do a lot more together than one individual (or even one division) can do alone". The Power of Kiwanis. In this two picture tribute, (left to right) LGs Danny Simmons (Div. 16), Judy Pantelides (Div. 13), Scott Zimmerman (Div. 21), Linda Smith (Div. 21) and H-R Region District Trustee Floyd Brown received the thanks of Kings Daughters Hospital for Kiwanians annual support.
Karen Gershman, King's Daughters Hospital spokeswoman brings her passion for helping children citing stories of those who have been aided though the hospital with the support of Kiwanis members. She presented each LG with a framed artwork created by a young patient, always a moving story. Remember too, the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation helps support the seven pediatric hospitals in the district though the M-W raffles and the DCON Ducky Derby and Caring Corner fund raisers. Please support these drives and be a winner, too!
One of the highlights of the conference was having as a guest Don Sanker, the Kiwanis International Trustee assigned to counsel the Capital District throughout the year. He brings us news of KI including a discussion of upcoming issues at the KI Convention in Nashville, June 25-28th. Don has come to several of our Mid-Winters, which is greatly appreciated.
Don Sanker, Kiwanis International Trustee is from Pennsylvania, nice and close by, but still we have eight Mid-Winters compared to most district's one (old fashioned, eh?). But he's familiar with that. The Pennsylvania District preceded CDK with the Regional structure and it works well for them too. There's much higher attendance when training and support is held close to home on a single day.
The Hampton Roads Region held an election for District Trustee to the Capital District Board at the Mid-Winter Conference. Well known and credentialed D.R. "Doc" Thrush was the winner campaigning on "the experience, knowledge, energy and desire to serve you and your club". Doc's background is well known as a retired Army colonel, a financial professional and in Kiwanis as a three time Past Lieutenant Governor of Division 16, Past President of the Capital District Foundation and current president of the Kiwanis Club of Virginia Beach, among his many accomplishments. He takes office on October 1st beginning a three year term. Congratulations, my friend!
H-R has a very large contingency of SLP members at every Mid Winter with each group addressing the participants from K-Kids, Builders, Key Clubs, Aktion Club and CKI. Shown is CKI Tidewater 64 Division LG Avanti Kolloram speaking on K Family interaction, respect and teamwork. The M-W was held at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia.
One of the great pleasures is to surprise a worthy person with a special award. The Hampton Roads Region presented a Capital District Kiwanis Foundation Founder's Society Charter Membership to current District Trustee Floyd Brown. The award was made by Past Governor Bob Cressy, who served on the District Board with Floyd. Well deserved, Floyd!
Sometimes, some people just get lucky and meet a celebrity. Don Sanker, Kiwanis International Trustee and Counselor to the Capital District gets to meet international star 'Billy-Bob Nelson' (Willie's long lost cousin) while Billy-Bob was stumping attendees for the upcoming KI Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, June 25-28th. Billy-Bob talked Don into going!
Nancy Cressy, On-To-Nashville Convention Chair, is the team leader and publicity chair for Billy-Bob Nelson. If you could only heard them live now. What a pair! Nashville is "Music City USA" so get ready to have some fun, do some two steppin', eat some BBQ, meet some new friends, and do Kiwanis' business as delegates. Nashville is a beautiful city with lots to see and do. Make it a vacation!
Even a campaigner can meet a celebrity. Jerry gets to pose, in his own dignified manner, with 'Billy-Bob Nelson' a singer and story teller of great repute. So, be in Nashville and let's get our candidate for KI Trustee, Jerry Peuler, ELECTED! See YOU there!
Presidential Region Mid Winter Conference, Blue Ridge Community College, Weyers Cave, VA, March 14th
Folks are getting on board for the trip to Nashville and the 94th Annual Kiwanis International Convention, June 25-28th. Each club has a responsibility to send two delegates, usually the President and President Elect or Secretary, to vote on the business of Kiwanis including any amendments, resolutions and the election of International officers. LG James Gilchrist and District Trustee Robby Atkins, Jr., remind their members of the business to be done and the fun vacation "Nashville Music City USA" will be.
Governor Elect Don Dudey gives a rousing cheer while conducting Regional Support Committee Member Training at the Presidential Region M-W Conference, March 14th, at the Blue Ridge Community College, Weyers Cave, VA. Kiwanis training helps members learn our Kiwanis 'product' and techniques to help your clubs and divisions. Instructors like Don share their experience with yours in Kiwanis leadership building on your professional skills and experiences. The Kiwanis Club is the heart of Kiwanis. All other functions from committees, to divisions, districts and international exist to provide you with the tools to do more and better quality community service in your club to "change the world one child and one community at a time".
Another well kept surprise occurred when Presidential Region District Trustee Robby Atkins, Jr., was presented the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation Founder's Society Award for his many years of service to his Staunton Club, his Division, the District and Kiwanis International. Past Governor Bob Cressy and CDKF representative conducted the brief ceremony.
The Founder's Society plaque, medallion ribbon and lapel pin is a great way to show appreciation of a dedicated Kiwanian. This award's engraving says: "Robert C. Atkins, Jr., Charter Member - March 14, 2009, Capital District Kiwanis Foundation". The medallion states "Founder's Society" with five "K's" of the Kiwanis Family in the design. The $1,000 tax exempt donation to the CDKF goes to the Service Leadership Program's support in our own District exclusively. Contact your CDKF division trustee for details on how to present an Founder's Society award to a deserving person in your club.
It was an Atkins and Kiwanis family affair that was part of the surprise presentation for Robby Atkins, Jr. He knew his dad Robert Senior would be at the M-W of course, but had no idea he was getting an award. We then brought on stage his mother Barbara and his wife Frances. The ladies had been hidden in the ... well, they were hidden. Another well deserved and well kept secret. Congratulations, Robby!
There's that On-To-Nashville team again: "Billy-Bob Nelson', Nurse Nancy Cressy - Chair, and KI Trustee Candidate Jerry Peuler, Past Capital District Governor and member of the Kiwanis Club of Waldorf. The campaign continues. Join in!
Potomac Region Mid-Winter Conference, Leisure World Club House, Silver Spring, MD, March 21st
The Regional Mid-Winter Conferences have been good for the Capital District and for its club and division leaders. That is principally because officer training and member education is brought to a site close to the club's of the region vs. a single big, centrally located M-W that many fewer leaders attended due to time, distance and higher personal costs. The combined attendance has been much higher 'than the ole days' and the training therefore better and more widespread. Doris Montgomery, Potomac Region's District Trustee for Divisions 1, 17 & 22, is a strong voice and is well organized as she leads the Potomac Mid-Winter Conference.
Training, education and workshops are the main focus of the M-W's allowing leaders to take a mid-year look at where they stand and what is needed for the rest of the Kiwanis year. It's a good time, too, to present some awards for last year and to recognize people for their accomplishments. Trustee Doris presents the Kiwanis International Foundation Annual Gift award to LG John Buchanan of Division 22 in Southern Maryland for having 100% participation by all his clubs in 2007-2008. Good job, John!
Tom Varner, PLG Division 18 Heart of Virginia Region, a certified trainer and member of the Ashland Club, presents the Capital District Strategic Plan to the entire region to kick the day off. The Regional process brings the resources to you and exchanges successful ideas and projects with you and your club.
"Come On Over To Dover", Dover, Delaware, that is! Division 11 LG Allan Kujala and Governor Tom are pitching the 91st Annual Capital District Kiwanis Convention at the Sheraton - Dover Delaware on August 21-23rd, 2009. DCON is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Dover and the DelMarVA Region. Charles Marks is Chairman. Put it on your calendar. See the ad in issue.
A highlight of many of the Mid-Winters is a special interest, entertaining program, such as Kiwanian Chris Brewer speaking on President Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas, the great civil rights, political and educational leader. Chris spoke of events surrounding the battle of Gettysburg and Lincoln's historic Gettysburg Address and Frederick Douglas' struggles and accomplishments. He spoke of why both Abe and Frederick would have made good Kiwanians. Chris has a truly gifted style of delivery that brings the past to life. Some literally had tears in their eyes at the end. There are but few of his skill and warmth. Terrific!
PG Bob Cressy held a training session on "Marketing Your Club - PR, Newsletters, Websites and Publicity" highlighting examples of each and discussing the resources available to clubs such as the eBuilder, Mini-Builder, KI Media Kit and the resources of the Communications, PR and Marketing District Committee chaired by Bill Butts of the Mt. Airy Kiwanis Club.
Co-Chairs & PLGs Marie and Wayne Quick of Mitchellville invited all to the District's On-To-Church Sunday, May 17th, at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis. A brunch will follow the traditional annual service the Loews' Hotel. Make your RSVP to them real soon. See the article in this issue. Now, they got a little help from 'Billy-Bob Nelson' in the promo, of course.
Immediate Past Governor Art Riley presents the 2007-2008 Distinguished Club Award to Immediate Past President Nell Reid for the Kiwanis Club of Leisure World at the Potomac Mid-Winter Conference. This is a high honor to a well organized and well led Club. Well done to all!
Governor Tom Ganse demonstrates the "CPR Teddy", a teaching aid to help child care workers, emergency rescue teams, teachers, and parents. In short it teaches anyone who might be around infant and small children to help adults safely help a child in medical trouble without further hurting the child. One of the biggest problems is not thinking and using the same force on a small child one might exert on an adult. Adult strength CPR can and will hurt a child. Learn how to do it right, before you need it.
The Potomac Region Kiwanis Leadership Team: Governor Tom Ganse, District Trustee Doris Montgomery, Division 22 LG Millie Kriemelmeyer, Division 1 LG Elana Gardiner, and Division 17 LG Tom Masser.
Mason Dixon Mid-Winter Conference, Crown Plaza Hotel, Timonium, MD, March 28th (held in conjunction with the 49th Capital District CKI Convention)
Three Builder's Club representatives brought down the house during the Kiwanis Family Breakfast and Mid-Winter Opening Session. Articulate, entertaining, and personable - we were impressed with their poise, public speaking abilities and the exciting things they had to say. Flanked by Gov. Ganse (left) and CKI Dist. Administrator Jeff Wolff (right) are Deborah Ross, Maddie Guthrie, and Sri Medicherla.
Immediate Past Governor Art Riley is presented with the Kiwanis International Foundation Annual Birthday Gift Campaign Award by KIF Trustee Hugh Siggins, Capital District's KIF representative to Kiwanis International. Art inspired his team to give an average of over $5.00 per member to KIF. Well done! Hugh is a past governor of the Pennsylvania District and now a member of the Williamsburg, Virginia, Club. He is also the new CDK New Club Building administrative resource to help build clubs. On the left is Jim Jacobs, Mason Dixon's Capital District Trustee.
Although acting in the position after Don Dudey became Governor Elect, Jim Jacobs after his election formally assumed the position of Capital District Trustee from the Mason Dixon Region Welcome to the District Board, Jim!
Raga Elim, Chairperson of the CDK Committee on International Understanding gave a moving photographic presentation of the problems of drought and arid lands of much of Africa. The initiative is to help provide mechanically simple hand and foot human pumps to bring up water for irrigation for crops. The District wide goal is $25,000 which will be matched if we hit that goal. This amount plus the match will make possible the purchase of 500 pumps and the irrigation of 2,800 acres. One Can Make A Difference! Check should be payable to the "Capital District Kiwanis Foundation", memo line "Initiative For Africa".
The award for the Best Club Newsletter in the Capital District went to ... ta da, Dave Maloney of the Kiwanis Club of Suburban Frederick. Now he is the editor of the e-Builder and the Mini-eBuilder. So who else should have won? Lead by example, Dave. Great job! Presented by IPG Art Riley at the Mason Dixon Mid-Winter.
The Mason Dixon Mid Winter was held in conjunction with the 49th Capital District CKI Convention where each had their respective business meetings and workshops, but the 'big tent' meetings of breakfast, luncheon and the formal dinner were held together in the main ballroom. At the luncheon, Kiwanis Governor Tom Ganse addresses the combined crowd with CDK's congratulations on Capital District CKI's 49th Anniversary. To Tom's left, bottom row are Avanti Kollaram, Tidewatre-64 LG from Old Dominion University and Rachael Newcomb, Ridgeline LG, University of Mary Washington. Top row, Heather Waite, 2008-2009 CKI District Governor, Virginia Tech and Duc Nguyen, Valley LG, also from Virginia Tech.
Kiwanis International Trustee and Counselor to Capital District exuberantly tells all of us that we need to mix and mingle at conventions and conferences like this to get to know others in our Kiwanis Family. Tell your story to others; listen to theirs.

Good idea. In other words, not like what you do at interclubs Kiwanians. Just kidding ... a bit.

Devon Chenette, CKI DCON Chair and Mary Baldwin College CKI President, addresses the combined luncheon of CKI and CDK Kiwanians. This was a nice idea.
Duc Nguyen, Valley LG, Virginia Tech, addresses the delegates K-Family members and guests at lunch.

The Kiwanis Family
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Key Club Web site
Circle K Web site
Builders Club Web site
K-Kids Web site
Aktion Club Web site

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