George's County Club Sponsors Aktion Club
by Dottie Carroll
Anne Radko (right), a fairly new member of Kiwanis Club of Prince George's County, has had 53 years as a nurse and many, many years of working with mentally challenged children. She has worked for a time with the Ducksworth School in Beltsville, Maryland. She soon saw the possibility of an Aktion Club and indeed it was chartered in February. Anne is still working monthly to find projects to interest these young individuals for the 30 minutes she happily devotes. Anne has tried to show them how to help feed the poor, find coats for those without and last month they planted panseys around the school property. She finds them absolutely delighted to be involved in these activities. She's also is grateful for the enthusuasm and assistance of the Principal and Staff of the Ducksworth School. See the newspaper article regarding this event.