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  April 2009
April '09 eBuilder Front Page

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Gov. Elect Don's 2009-2010 Goals
by Gov-elect Don Dudey

I am proud to be Governor-elect of the Capital District for 2009-2010 and I would like to outline my four major goals for this coming year. I believe my goals are consistent with the goals and objectives that Governor Tom Ganse's has established this year and past years. There will be more details of these goals described in coming months, but for now I have outlined the major objective for each.

Service to Others

Hubert Humphrey once said "The moral test of a society is how that society treats those who are in the dawn of life - the children; those who are in the twilight of life - the elderly; and those who are in the shadow of life - the sick, the needy and the handicapped."

What better way to describe what Kiwanis Clubs do in their communities, working with children, the elderly, those in need and the handicapped?

Our Kiwanis Clubs can make a difference in our communities and the world by the service projects we conduct. No matter how many service projects your club is doing today, there are many unfilled projects just waiting to be completed.

This is really what we need to strive for in our clubs - evaluate what projects your club is conducting and is it really meeting the needs of your community. Have they lost their intended effect or, does a project need additional assets to really make it outstanding for the recipient? And, can your club add one or two new projects this year that will benefit your community?

Remember, Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.

Service Leadership Programs

"Serving the Children of the World" is our Kiwanis motto. We place a great deal of emphasis in working with children. Marian Wright Edelman stated "Children must have at least one person who believes in them. It could be a counselor, a teacher, a preacher, a friend. it could be you. You never know when a little love, a little support, will plant a small seed of hope."

Kiwanis is the only service organization that has the Service Leadership Programs like CKI, Key Club, Builders Clubs, K-Kids and Aktion clubs. Many clubs sponsor one or more of these types of clubs, but there are many clubs who do not. There are so many colleges, high schools, middle schools and elementary schools that are without such wonderful programs, your club needs to reexamine its goals to see if it can sponsor such wonderful clubs.

These outstanding students compliment many Kiwanis Club's activities - fund raisers, service projects, club meetings, etc. Yes, they do have so much energy that they sometimes run circles around us. But, we need to harness that energy into ways that will benefit these youth as they grow up to be the next Kiwanians.

Club Growth

You know the numbers, 255,000 Kiwanians worldwide, 6,865 Kiwanians in the Capital District, and 15 to 235 Kiwanians in our individual clubs. Is this number growing, stable or decreasing? Well, unfortunately the numbers are decreasing in many communities. If we want to accomplish all of those service projects your club has planned and supporting all those Service Leadership Program clubs your have committed to, you need to increase your membership numbers. Is your club welcoming to visitors, so they would want to return? Is your club active in the community and does the community know it? Do you have a diversity of members in age, sex, race, religion or origin? Is the most important part of your club activities geared toward your service projects or is it to have a meeting, eat a meal, have a program and go home?

These are all questions we as Kiwanians need to evaluate today. How is the public looking as us in regards to what we are, what we do, and would they like to join such an organization? Time is a major issue to the public today. Between working 40-60 hours per week, raising a family that requires various amounts of time, involvement in other activities like church or other organizations, there is only so much time in a given day or week. We have to look at ourselves and say, would someone want to join us? What do we have to offer a prospective member?

Kiwanis International has developed some new ideas about what the structure of a club is and how its members participate in that club. Some of these new ideas are family membership, corporate membership, past Service Leadership Programs memberships, Company-based clubs, club satellites, affiliates clubs and family clubs. All of these are ones which Kiwanis International, your Capital District and your LTG's are exploring on how they can be implemented in our division and community. For more information on these you can contact your LTG.

Club Support

Accomplishing increased service hours or projects and growth in membership in SLP and Kiwanis Clubs all requires ideas, resources and leadership. Your individual club has all of these from your experienced membership. But, if your club needs new ideas and additional support to accomplish these tasks, then the District leadership and its Club Support Committees are here to help.

The District Club Support Committees are continually being populated with experienced Kiwanians who have the expertise to assist your club. These committees work with your LTG to provide assistance and support needed by your club. It is my commitment this next year to make this support system a knowledgeable, useful and useable program. It will be one that your club can access to accomplish your club goals that have been set for this next year.

As I stated in my campaign, I am always open for ideas or suggestions from the great Kiwanians in the Capital District. I am looking forward in working with all of you now and when I am elected Governor of the Capital District.

The Kiwanis Family
Capital District Web site
Key Club Web site
Circle K Web site
Builders Club Web site
K-Kids Web site
Aktion Club Web site

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