Poquoson Kiwanis Pig Roast May 16th
by Joe Discenza
The Poquoson Kiwanis Club will hold its famous annual PIG ROAST in the POQUOSON SHOPPING CENTER next to BB&T, Saturday May 16 from 11:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. The traditional feast includes either a dinner with barbecue, coleslaw, baked beans, hush puppies, or a barbecue sandwich with coleslaw. A cold drink is included in the price. Tickets are $7.00 for dinner and $5.00 for the sandwich plate, with 50 cents off advance purchases. Tickets are for sale at various locations in Poquoson or by contacting any club member.
Proceeds from ticket sales are used to fund a number of Kiwanis' community projects, with emphasis on YOUNG CHILDREN: PRIORITY ONE and including scholarships to Poquoson graduates, support for the Kiwanis Emergency Care Center at the Children’s Hospital of the Kings Daughters, Orphan Helpers, and many other charities.
The Kiwanis Club of Poquoson is one of the largest clubs in the Capital District, with over 100 members.
Three times a year, selling barbecue to the public is an “all-hands” effort for the membership. Besides this Spring event, the club has a sandwich booth at the Poquoson Seafood Festival in the Fall and in June sells one-pound containers of cooked barbecue at the Poquoson Parks & Recreation Center.
While barbecue sales provide the club’s main source of charitable revenue, club volunteers donate many hours to non-monetary activities including displaying U.S. Flags in the City center at holidays, Adopt-A-spot, tutoring reading and math in City schools, driving seniors to medical appointments, staffing USO at the airport, cooking lunch for summer reading children at the Poquoson Library, and special assistance projects for seniors and needy families.
The club meets weekly 7:30 on Tuesday morning at the Tabernacle United Methodist Church, 831 Poquoson Avenue, Poquoson. For information, call 757-303-0167.