Lackey Free Clinic Benefits from Kiwanis One Day
by Sue Salva
The Tabb and York Kiwanis Clubs held their Kiwanis One Day spring cleanup on April 4, 2009 at the Lackey Free Clinic. Thirteen Kiwanis members worked all day pressure washing the outside, washing the windows inside and out and sprucing up the grounds and building.
Kiwanis members are guided by the following Key Principles: to give importance to the human and spiritual rather than the material values of life, to encourage living by the Golden Rule, to promote higher social, business, and professional Standards, to encourage and be servant leaders, to build Kiwanis Clubs that build Lasting Friendships and serve and strengthen local communities and to promote justice, patriotism, and goodwill.
Lackey Free Clinic is a faith-based facility located at 1620 Old Williamsburg Road, Yorktown, VA and has provided services for over 13 years. Offering free medical care, dental care and prescriptions, the clinic strives to build a bridge of healing and compassion to serve the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the medically disadvantaged on the Peninsula. The clinic depends on donations, volunteers, grants and fundraising events to meet their growing needs. If you would like more information, visit us on the web at or call 757-886-0608.
Pictured on the left of sign, L to R, Nikki Tanzer, Vivian & Jack Kruger, Judy Letchworth, Back row on right side of sign, L to R Randy Pine, Linda Tyler, Rick McClain, David Pine and Bob Letchworth of the Tabb Club. Front row right side of sign, York Club Adrienne Gonzalo and Nancy Kane.