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July 2010
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July 2010 eBuilder Front Page

Gov-Elect Tom Varner's Message

by Gov. Elect Tom Varner


In a little over 24 hours, I will be on my way to Las Vegas and the International Convention. It promises to be an interesting time with many educational sessions added to this year’s program. In addition, the most interesting bylaw change to me is the one having all clubs pay a convention fee. If it passes, individuals would no longer pay the registration fee for the convention. For clubs with multiple delegates this will be a net savings in the end.

Another amendment would require criminal history background checks of all Kiwanis officers at the International and all offices in direct line of succession District Governor. In my opinion and should include all District and Club officers. At the current time if you are, going to spend time with our youth a background check is required. It is just a good idea in today’s world.

We are only two months out from the 92nd Capital District Convention in Lynchburg. The Lynchburg Convention Committee has planned for grand time, great food, many interesting and informative training sessions. If you have not done so, make your reservation now.

2010-2011 International President Sylvester Neal has appointed Dr. John Button from the Eastern Canada and Caribbean District as our International Counselor for next year. Dr. Button and his wife Debbie reside in Montreal. They will both be with us at the District Convention so make it a point to meet them.

If you have been able to attend one of the Division dues increase meetings, please try to get to one. If you are not able to or your Division has not had a meeting, you can find the PowerPoint slide show on the District web site. In addition, there will be two sessions at the District Convention with time for questions and answers. Be informed so you can make an informed vote at the House of Delegates.

We are still short three Lieutenant Governors from Divisions 10, 15, and 16. Each Division should have an election conference and elect one of their members to serve as Lieutenant Governor. In the District structure, the Lieutenant Governor is the most important link between the District and the Club. They are the first line of assistance to the Club. They provide the link to the Trustees and District Officers when a club needs assistance. The Lieutenant Governor is important to our Division. Are you in one of the three without a Lieutenant Governor? Will you do something about this void?

As you read this, we will be in the fourth quarter of this Kiwanis year. It seems to have gone fast. It is time to evaluate where we are. Have we done what we planned to do in our Strategic Plans? Have we accomplished all of our Club goals? If you answer yes, then you have the time to do more than you planned. If the answer is not, you still have time to finish out the year with a positive effort.

The Kiwanis Family
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Abingdon Club Pegs its Future on 2+2 Meetings   Upcoming Meetings: Gov. Visits, Regional & District Meetings
Children’s Books Replace Mugs as Gifts for Club Speakers  
New-Style Club Leader Training is Huge Success

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