Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines-Ocean City
by David Landis
(Above) Kiwanis Donates to OPVFD: At the June 23rd meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines-Ocean City, the club donated $400 to the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department . Shown accepting the check on the left is Steve Rosen, Vice President of the OPVFD and a fellow Kiwanis member, from Kiwanis Club President Dan Peletier on the right. Members also heard about the OPVFD CASH LOTTO where $100,000 will be awarded to the winner of the drawing. Only 1600 tickets will be sold for the Labor Day, September 6th, drawing at the OPVFD South Station. Stop by and get an entry form at either of the two firehouses in the Pines. Proceeds support the services of the OPVFD.
(Above) Kiwanis Duck Race Chances Now on Sale : He's Back! Don't duck the chance to buy a Duck Race Chance in support of the Annual Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City fundraiser for scholarships for deserving local senior high school students. Chances are only $5 each or three (3) for $10.00. First prize is $1500 CASH for the Saturday September 11th event at Frontier Town Pool at 5 PM. Winners do not need to be present to win. First Prize is $1500 CASH, 2nd $300, 3rd $150 and 4th $50, in addition there will be lots of other non-cash prizes awarded. Don't delay. Buy now. It's all it's "Quacked up to be". Feeling Lucky, Buy a Ducky! Tickets are available from any Kiwanis member or call co-chairmen Ed Aurand at 410-208-0479 or Ron Graybill at 410-208-9208. Kiwanis: "Serving the Children of the World".
(Above) Kiwanis and Arbitrator Rich Bloch: Every week the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City meets on Wednesday morning at 8 AM and every week there is a guest speaker who addresses the club on informative issues. On June 16th, Richard Bloch of Milville Delaware was the guest speaker, pictured with the club's President Dan Peletier on his right after he spoke to the membership at Hall's Restaurant in Ocean City where the club meets on the third Wednesday of the month during the summer months. Mr. Bloch, a lawyer by trade, has served as an independent arbitrator for the last 35 years. He has worked on NHL, MLB and NFL cases that went to arbitration and shared some of those stories. He is also a magician, one that does illusions, unlike the magic he has helped to create with his arbitration. He even worked on cruise ships until current anti-terrorism inspections made it difficult for him to travel with his "bag of tricks" to the point that he even had to perform some tricks at airports in South Africa and France to prove to the authorities that he was actually a magician and not in possession of harmful materials. His love for magic caused him to open a theater in Milville known as Dicken's Parlour Theater at 35715 Atlantic Avenue (near Beebe Medical Center) where magicians will before twice a day at 6:30 PM and 8:30 PM. Tickets are $12 for adults and $8 for children. This as a brand new venue her on the Eastern Shore, opening June 17th. For information go to the website at or call (202) 364-3020 for information (it's a DC number).
(Above) Announcing Annual Summer Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast: It's almost summertime so that means the annual Summer Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines-Ocean City Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser is coming. Mark your calendars for Saturday July 10th, 2010 from 7 until 11 AM at the new Ocean Pines Community Center in the gym. The price is still an unbelievably reasonable $5 for adults, $3 for children Under 12 and FREE for children Under 5. Come and enjoy great food: Pancakes, sausages, fruit cup, orange juice, and coffee, milk or tea and the pleasant company. Proceeds benefit the youth of the community. Tickets avaiable at the door or from Kiwanis members. Carryout is also available.
(Above) Kiwanis Donates to Ocean Pines Junior Golf Program: Pictured is Kiwanian and volunteer for the Ocean Pines Junior Golf Program, Jim Duke, accepting a check in the amount of $300 from Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City President, Dan Peletier, on the right in support of the OP Junior Golf Program. The motto of Kiwanis is "Serving the Children of the World".
(Above) Kiwanis Learns About Eastern Shore Nutria Problem: Pictured is Kiwanis Programs/Speaker Chair Jack "Graham" Caldwell holding a stuffed nutria, an Eastern Shore menace about which guest speaker, Chris Markin (on the right) spoke to the club. The Eastern Shore has a large population of these "Pests" which are not indigenous to the area, but are rodents from South America brought here for their fur, later determined not to be useable. Mr. Markin is a Biological Technician from the United States Department of Agriculture and works out of the Cambridge, MD area at the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. The nutria have been damaging marsh areas on the Eastern Shore for some time which has destroyed important marsh land and cost millions of dollars every year in from the damage they do to the land, the fishing industry and thus even effecting jobs. There is a program in effect that aims to eradicate the nutria from the Eastern Shore. The public needs to be aware of the problem and report any nutria sightings to his office by calling 410-901-2118. It's a big problem about which much of the public is unaware.