Club Snapshots
(Above) The Kiwanis Club of the Peninsula at Oyster Point supported the traffic awareness project which is aimed at making teenage drivers know what happens when drinking and driving turn into tragedy. A staged "accident" occurs near the high school and actors portray the reactions or family members and friends. It is a stark reminder of how a careless act can affect many lives. The Kiwanis Club of the Peninsula at Oyster Point made a donation of $200 to this project. MaRhonda Echols, right, victim's assistance advocate in the office of the Commonwealth's Attorney received the check from Chuck Root, Community Service chairman.
(Above) As part of National Prayer Day, which is celebrated every May, sixteen Kiwanians, spouses and family members, including Governor Don Dudey and Governor-designee Tom Varner, attended "Go to Church Sunday" at the beautiful US Naval Academy chapel in Annapolis on Sunday, May 23rd. Following the service, several members proceeded to a local restaurant to socialize and enjoy brunch. Many thanks to Marie Quick for her efforts in making this annual event a success.
(Above) Kiwanis Club of Mt. Airy members Beth Jacobs and Paul Clay recently presented a check for $225 to the Parrs Ridge Elementary School for use by its nine kindergarten teachers to purchase books for their in-school reading program. Seen in the photo are, left to right, Parrs Ridge principal Ann Marie Blonkowski, Paul Clay, kindergarten teacher Amanda Robinson, Beth Jacobs, and kindergarten teacher Sarah Parsons.
(Above) The winning foursome at the recent Kiwanis Club of the Colonial Capital golf tournament at Williamsburg National Golf Club is pictured here. They are, left to right, Ron Martin, Art Kohler, Tom Fuchs, and Doug Blackwell. The tournament was a fund raising event for the club to help local charities.
(Above) Division 19 News: Steven A. Schetrom II (left) newly elected President of the new Kiwanis Club of Strasburg (VA) receives congratulations from Division 19 Lt. Governor Dick Hoover during charting in June. the Kiwanis Club of Old Town (Winchester,VA) is the new Club's sponsor.
(Above) Kiwanis Club of Winchester: Jim Powe (left) President of the Kiwanis Club of Winchester (VA) admires the new Charter Certificate of the Kiwanis Club of Strasburg (VA) with Strasburg President Steven A. Schetrom II. The Strasburg Club is the first Kiwanis Club organized in Shenandoah County of Virginia.
(Above) Kiwanis Club of Strasburg: Todd Drunagel (left) President of the sponsoring Kiwanis Club of Old Town, (Winchester, VA) presents the Charter of Organization to President Steven A. Schetrom II for the Kiwanis Club of Strasburg (VA) in June. The Club meets each Tuesday morning, 7:30 a.m. at the Strasburg United Methodist Church.
(Above) Sarah Jacobs and Dan Smith were the recent recipients of the Parkville Kiwanis’ $750. college scholarships. They were chosen from many applications, for their outstanding academics and service to the community. Sarah will attend Washington College and Dan will attend Salisbury University in the fall.