Laplata Kiwanians Get Crabby
by Judi Gorney
On June 10, the Kiwanis of Laplata gathered up 30 members of their family and friends for their annual visit to the Regency Furniture stadium to watch the Southern Maryland Blue Crabs take on the Newark Bears. Ten Kiwanis of Laplata members were joined by 2 members of the TC Martin K-Kids’ Club. The first pitch was thrown out by Mollie Gorney, daughter of members, Judi and Jim Gorney. Mollie was there celebrating her graduation from law school.
Prior to the game, the Blue Crabs had donated some souvenir items which were raffled off as a fundraiser for the Club. By the time the Blue Crabs won the game 4 to 1, their mascot, Pinch, had circled the stadium several times and entertained the crowd. The weather couldn’t have been better. We are already making plans to attend again next year!