Kiwanis Club of Frederick
by Dick Frye
(Above) Carolyn True, Director, Frederick County Department of Aging, was a recent speaker to the Kiwanis Club of Frederick. She spoke to the group on the mission of the department, their budget, and then programs such as home-delivered meals, health and wellness, health insurance with counseling and education about Medicare and Medigap policies, care management services, and the Guardianship and Care Management Services that are available to support senior citizens in Frederick County. She also recognized the many volunteers that have been associated with the Department. Kiwanian Sterling Bollinger is with the speaker.
(Above) Kara Norman, Executive Director, Downtown Frederick Partnership, was a recent speaker to the Kiwanis Club of Frederick. She talked to the club about the organization which was founded in 1990, their mission statement and organizational structure, and the Fiscal Year 2011 design action plan in areas of downtown development, new signage system, anticipate in planning for the East Street Extended Area, downtown parking system and their support for the development of a downtown hotel/conference center. Kiwanian Sterling Bollinger is with the speaker.
(Above) Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins, right, was a recent speaker to the Kiwanis Club of Frederick. The Sheriff spoke to the club about the immigration program in the county and because of this program 650 illegal persons have been deported to date. He also spoke on the gang issue in the area, his present budget, and the joint operational programs with the FBI, local police, and state police. Jenkins spoke about the real time information program that is being utilized to relay information on criminal and terrorists activities. Kiwanian Sterling Bollinger is with the speaker.
(Above) Maryland State Senator David Brinkley, right, was a recent guest speaker to the Kiwanis Club of Frederick. Sen. Brinkley spoke to the club about the recent session in Annapolis. He spoke briefly about the budget/revenue area, medical marijuana and how to control the distribution, transit areas, and several controversial items that were discussed during the session. Kiwanian Sterling Bollinger is with the speaker.