Governor's Message
by Gov. Don Dudey
I am writing the article before I leave for our Kiwanis International Convention in Las Vegas. I always look forward in attending an International Convention-there is so much going on and so many people to talk to from all over the world. I am one in a class of 50 Governors from around the world, and it’s very exciting to visit with them to see what they are doing in their Districts. When I return, I will share with you the ideas that I obtain while at the International Convention.
In the meantime, I have received an outstanding letter written by Jim Russell who is President of the Kiwanis Club of Denbigh. His letter focuses on the District’s proposed dues increase amendment being brought before the District membership at our District Convention at Lynchburg, August 20-22. I would like for you to read this letter. While he talks about Division 23, the information actually is applicable to all Divisions within the Capital District. This letter is well written. Feel free to share it with your club.
As a reminder, the District’s Membership Growth Contest ended the last day of June. The club with the greatest percentage of growth during the months of May and June will be the winner of the $750 first prize, and there will be five honorable mention prizes of $250 each. The winners will be announced at our District Convention in Lynchburg, on Saturday, August 21. I look forward to presenting these Growth Awards, and I hope your club might be one of the winners!
And speaking of the District Convention-I want to encourage all clubs to send your three delegates to the District Convention which will be held in Lynchburg, VA August 20-22. There are many benefits to be gained by attending a District Convention: outstanding training sessions about Kiwanis and your club operations; visiting with old friends and making new friends; having some fun at the Shrimpfest and four great meals; and, last but not least, exercising your clubs voting rights on the dues increase amendment and the selection of the District’s next Governor-Elect. All of these and much more are there for your participation. Go to the Capital District website and click on the 92nd District Convention tab. There you will find everything you need to register for this convention. I look forward to seeing many of you there for fun, fellowship and a little education.