December 2008
David Maloney, Editor
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Fighting to Save Children in Africa
by Raga S. Elim, Ph.D., Chairman, Capital District Committee on International Understanding

The more money we raise, the more African children we can save. We will keep you updated on our progress towards our goal of $25,000 by means of the thermometer shown to the left. As of today we have raised $1675. Donations toward this Initiative are tax deductible....more

Local Key Club Featured in Video
by Nicole McDermott

Watch this inspiring video featuring the Key Club of West Springfield High School in West Springfield, Virginia, which is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Tysons Corner, Virginia, in the Capital District...more

Botetourt Club/Education Center Charity Partnership Marks 20 Years
by Clarence Renshaw, President, Botetourt Kiwanis

Thanksgiving 2008 marks the twentieth anniversary of a special relationship between the Kiwanis Club of Botetourt, the students at Botetourt Technical Education Center, and more than 600 grateful people in Botetourt County. For the past two decades, the students and members of the community service organization have joined together to help make Thanksgiving and Christmas brighter holidays by collecting and buying food to present to needy individuals and families in the County...more

Suburban Frederick Club Raffle Winners Flying High
by Dave Maloney

A recently-held fundraising raffle resulted in a mother-son team winning a helicopter flight donated by Willem and Alice Meiners of (Willem and Alice have flown "around the world" in this helicopter.) Watch the movie!

Goodbye "Capital Builder" Hello "MiniBuilder"
by Dave Maloney, Editor

Recently the Capital District Board of Trustees voted to discontinue the printed version of the Capital Builder. This decision comes on the heels of a recent survey to which many club members responded with some excellent arguments both for and against doing away with the Capital Builder...more

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Kiwanis Club of Bethesda and the American Legion Host their 49th Annual Veteran's Day Observance
by Past Governor Bob Cressy, U.S. Army 1LT, member of American Legion Post #105

View Bob Cressy's event photo album.

Bethesda, Maryland, Veteran's Day 11 Nov 2008 - On the bright, crisp morning of Veteran's Day 2008 at 10:45 the Kiwanis Club of Bethesda and the American Legion Fitzgerald Cantrell Post #105 of Bethesda held their 49th annual observance of our veteran's past and present. I had the distinct honor of being the Master of Ceremonies for the 18th year at Bethesda's Veteran's Memorial Park.

The performance began with a patriotic medley performed by the Bethesda Chevy Chase High School Brass Quintet under the direction of Director Marshall White. A welcome to the veterans, dignitaries, those presenting wreathes of honor, and friends was given by the MC, followed by an invocation by Bethesda Kiwanian Reverend Doctor Bill Hague, a former U.S. Navy LT JG.

At precisely 11:00 AM, on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, ninety years after the armistice ending World War I in 1918, the Presentation of Colors was made by the Knights of Columbus Color Corps, and the National Anthem was sung movingly by Scott Forbes, Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Eric Myrland, Post Commander of the American Legion. Then, in silence, the half staffing of our beautiful American Flag was performed by Hank Sanders, American Legion Post #105 Chaplin and World War II veteran. With the music, the solemn nature of the proceedings, the vibrant colors of the flags, wreathes, and performers it was indeed a colorful and moving ceremony.

M.C. Bob Cressy introduced local government and community officials and most importantly recognized veterans by each branch of service in turn - Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Merchant Marine and citing the U.S. Marine Corps for its 233rd Birthday on 10 Nov 2008 the day before. He praised veterans and active duty men and women of all times, both in war and standing guard in peacetime prepared to defend our country and the free world. In each of our wars we were not fully prepared as America was not seeking war and our enemies had been preparing often for years before hostilities. Most every war went badly at first, sometimes for years, before it turned victorious. This has been true in Iraq as well, and although it is not over, it is going well now. The surge has worked. Our military never quit, even in the dark days before the dawn. They need our and must have our support.

Chairman, Bethesda Kiwanis Past President Richard Ruprecht did a terrific job organizing the event as he has done for many years. Dick introduced our keynote speaker Lieutenant Colonel Jonas Vogelhut, an Iraq War veteran in civil affairs working with Iraqi forces. He is active duty officer and Joint Program Manager of NBC (Nuclear, Biological & Chemical) Contamination Avoidance, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. He spoke of the upgraded readiness and training of our forces and the remarkable progress of the Iraqis. They have taken control of 13 of 19 provinces now. We remember the Iraqis who braved voting displaying their courage with their purple fingers. Well done, sir.

An important quote found in the America Legion magazine was given and the source may surprise you. "The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of early wars were treated and appreciated by our nation". George Washington.

The service continued with more than twenty organizations presenting spectacular wreathes one by one at the base of the veteran's memorial. We closed with Becca Miller of BCC High School playing TAPS, full staffing of our colors, retirement of the colors and a benediction. Please see the photos of this colorful event and say 'thank you' to a veteran for their service to America.

View Bob Cressy's event photo album.

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