the Bay Club Sponsors New Builders' Club
by Judy R. Pantelides
The newest Builders' Club in Division 13 received it's official charter this past week at our Annual Prayer Breakfast hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Warwick. The photo shows Dru Bowman, District Administrator for Builders Clubs, Judy Pantelides, Division 13 Lt. Governor, Chris Jacobson, President of the sponsoring club, Kiwanis By the Bay, together with the Builders' Club President, Megan Dunford, Vice-President, Bekah Duvall, and club advisors, Heather Congrove and Leah Kramer. Thanks to Dru Bowman for coordination of this effort by Kiwanis By the Bay and the past Builders Club and Key Club member-turned advisor, Heather Congrove. Lt. Governor Judy has challenged the division to charter a new service leadership program at every division council meeting this year and the clubs are on their way to making that happen. As was determined at the annual Banner Transfer event, there " Ain't No Stopping Us Now" !