Beach Club Busy as Usual
by Nancy Pindur
The Virginia Beach Kiwanis Club, Town Center had a very busy month as usual. Our 5 K Race with a taste of Town Center provided by Town Center Restaurants was a huge success and runners and onlookers enjoyed the event. We raised more than $12,000 for our charities.
The Saturday before Thanksgiving members assisted with CLASP(Citizens Loviong All Special People) Bingo event. Mentally Challenged young adults play Bingo to win Christmas gifts for their friends and family. Kiwanians help them recognize their Bingos as well as provide the prize gifts and refreshments after the games. This is always a special event for us.
Town Center Kiwanians will again participate this December in the Salvation Army Christams event in conjunction with the Toys for Tos and Angel Tree gift distribution.
We also delivered Thanksgiving Turkey baskets to 4 needy families and will do the same for the Christmas dinner. Members will also visit Hope Haven Children's and Elderly Home for a holiday breaskfast where members will deliver small gifts to the children and elderly living there. Marilyn Oxford is in charge and will also be coordinating the baking and boxing of cookies along with the gifts.
Our holiday social looks like it will be a successful event as well. More than holf of our members plus their spouses will be attending the party on December 12th. With our membership growing by leaps and bounds we look forward to a new year of sharing and giving.