Club Publishes Cookbook; Holding Pancake Breakfast
by Ellie Schmidt
The first edition of the Kiwanis Club of Fairfax Cookbook is available for purchase. The cookbook features a collection of recipes from club members and friends and includes categories from appetizers and main dishes to desserts and "This and That."
Cookbooks are sold for $10 each and can be purchased from club members. Mail orders are accepted. There is a $4 charge per book for postage and handling. Submit mail order requests to The Kiwanis Club of Fairfax, P.O. Box 505, Fairfax, VA 22030. Please make checks payable to The Kiwanis Club of Fairfax.
The Kiwanis Club of Fairfax will be holding our Annual Pancake Breakfast in conjunction with the 2009 Chocolate Lovers Festival in Old Town Fairfax on Saturday, February 7, 2009, at Fire Station #3 on University Drive. The menu will include delicious chocolate chip and plain pancakes, sausage, applesauce and a drink. This is a fun event for Kiwanians and their families. Come interclub with Fairfax and enjoy some home cooked pancakes! Please contact Ellie Schmidt at eldsch@aol.com for additional information on cookbooks or pancakes.