December 2008
David Maloney, Editor
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Fighting to Save Children in Africa
by Raga S. Elim, Ph.D., Chairman, Capital District Committee on International Understanding

The more money we raise, the more African children we can save. We will keep you updated on our progress towards our goal of $25,000 by means of the thermometer shown to the left. As of today we have raised $1675. Donations toward this Initiative are tax deductible....more

Local Key Club Featured in Video
by Nicole McDermott

Watch this inspiring video featuring the Key Club of West Springfield High School in West Springfield, Virginia, which is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Tysons Corner, Virginia, in the Capital District...more

Botetourt Club/Education Center Charity Partnership Marks 20 Years
by Clarence Renshaw, President, Botetourt Kiwanis

Thanksgiving 2008 marks the twentieth anniversary of a special relationship between the Kiwanis Club of Botetourt, the students at Botetourt Technical Education Center, and more than 600 grateful people in Botetourt County. For the past two decades, the students and members of the community service organization have joined together to help make Thanksgiving and Christmas brighter holidays by collecting and buying food to present to needy individuals and families in the County...more

Suburban Frederick Club Raffle Winners Flying High
by Dave Maloney

A recently-held fundraising raffle resulted in a mother-son team winning a helicopter flight donated by Willem and Alice Meiners of (Willem and Alice have flown "around the world" in this helicopter.) Watch the movie!

Goodbye "Capital Builder" Hello "MiniBuilder"
by Dave Maloney, Editor

Recently the Capital District Board of Trustees voted to discontinue the printed version of the Capital Builder. This decision comes on the heels of a recent survey to which many club members responded with some excellent arguments both for and against doing away with the Capital Builder...more

[Printer Friendly Version]

An Ordinary Day for District Kiwanians and Their Foundation
by Don Schroeder, Trustee, Heart of Virginia Region

"It's just another ordinary day," Jennifer remarked as our little group huddled in one corner of the over-occupied Kiwanis Family Care Center at VCU-MCV Hospital in Richmond. For Jenni-fer and the pediatric trauma staff perhaps that Tuesday, October 28, was just another ordinary afternoon. Our little group consisted of the Capital District Foundation Trustees PLG Roy Sheets (Division 4) and PLG Jim O'Connell (Division 18) along with Don Schroeder, the Trustee for the Heart of Virginia Region. The hostess for our visit was Ms. Jennifer O'Rourke, the Director of Development at the Virginia Commonwealth University Medical College of Virginia (VCU-MCV) Children's Medical Center.

PLG Roy Sheets had arranged a meeting to present the Capital District Foundation's annual check to the VCU-MCV Pediatric Trauma Center. It was to be an ordinary presentation. After all, such presentations had been made numerous times before. We stood in a corner of the Ki-wanis Family Care Center waiting for the heads of the Pediatric Center to arrive. The Kiwanis Family Care Center was crowded. Standing room only! As one surveyed the surroundings, one realized how valuable the Family Care Center is. Members of individual families closely min-gled and chatted among themselves as they sipped on their soft drinks and spasmodically chewed on cold French fries or quarter-pounders. Laughter and bantering was not evident this day. Within our earshot, we heard one mother, with choking voice, tell her intimate group her son had taken a turn for the worst. Yes, maybe it was just an ordinary day in the Kiwanis Family Care Center.

"You can't imagine what this room means to our families. I don't know how we can thank Kiwanis for helping our families and our children," Jennifer softly told us. She went on to say, "I think we need to wait out on the hall. One of the families needs our space."

Just another ordinary day at one of the seven pediatric trauma centers our Capital District Kiwanians support through our Foundation. An ordinary day filled with extraordinary significance. At VCU-MCV, an ordinary day with unheralded and immeasurable extraordinary quality of caregiving in a relatively small 600 square foot room labeled the "Kiwanis Family Care Center." An ordinary day where extraordinary family support silently occurs thanks to the Kiwanians in the Heart of Virginia who actualized their commitment to "Serving the Children of the World" with an ordinary room filled with chairs, tables, sofas, TVs, work stations, re-frigerator, microwave, and a washer-and-dryer.

Yes, Jennifer, it was an ordinary day at the Kiwanis Family Care Center. But for the three of us Kiwanians who were fortunate enough to savor it for 30 minutes, it was more than extraordi-nary. It was KIWANIS! Pictured (L to R) HOV Trustee Don Schroeder, PLG Jim O'Connell, Ms. Jennifer O'Rourke (VCU-MCV), and PLG Roy Sheets.

The Kiwanis Family
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