Wilson High School Key Club Update
Janie Chapman
It's a pleasure to provide you an update on the latest Wilson High
School Key Club activities. On Friday, May 8th 13 Key Clubbers joined
Washington D.C. Kiwanis members in executing the first annual Kiwanis
Fitness Field Day at Kelly Miller Middle School in Northeast
Washington D.C. Key Clubbers helped administer the sack race,
vegetable toss, and basketball stations with fellow Kiwanis Members
Jay Pope and Andy Alderdice. With more than 300 middle school students
participating in the event, Wilson High School Key Clubbers were
instrumental in making the event a successful one. Events like Kiwanis
Fitness Field Day demonstrate the value of Service Leadership Programs
in the Kiwanis organization. From my perspective, Key Club is the most
meaningful way to "Serve the Children of the World" by fostering their
leadership abilities.
In July 2009, 6 Key Clubbers from Wilson High School will join
Stefanie Jachimiak and I for the 66th annual Key Club International
Convention in Dallas, Texas. Wilson High School Key Clubbers will be
given the opportunity to participate in workshops, forums, general
sessions and dances while being able to network with more 2,000 other
Key Clubbers from around the globe. Needless to say, the Key Clubbers
are getting excited for the trip and have begun discussing how they
will serve their homes, schools and communities more effectively
during the next administrative year. I should also mention that Wilson
High School's outgoing Key Club President, Sam Olmsted, received a
full tuition scholarship to Tulane University for his efforts to
promote community service in the Washington D.C. area while attending
high school. Sam plans to continue working with the Kiwanis family
while promoting community service to the larger Tulane community in
New Orleans. Next month's KIGram will feature information on the
incoming Key Club Board of Directors so stay tuned.