Ocean Pines-Ocean City Club Celebrates 29th Charter Anniversary
by David Landis
On Wednesday May 20th, the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City celebrated the 29th anniversary of their charter in 1980 at the Woodlands in Ocean Pines. Pictured right is Principal Dr. Jane W. Pruitt of the new Worcester Technical High School, who was the guest speaker for the event, addressing the crowd as Kiwanis President Corky Widerman looks on. The new school offers career and technical education. "Career and Technical Education is not an alternative to academic preparation. Students are encouraged to take rigorous and challenging coursework in English, mathematics, social studies, and science" was a point made during the presentation. Dr. Pruitt emphasized that the community should be proud of the facility and the programs offered at her school and praised the foresight of the County Commissioners for building this first class facility for the children of Worcester County. Programs are on the leading edge of technology which changes so very quickly these days. The presentation "Did You Know" stated that the top ten jobs for 2010 didn't even exist in 2004. A startling example of how quickly things are changing.
As is the tradition for the annual celebration of the club's chartering, the widows of several of past members of Kiwanis were in attendance. Pictured left are seated in the front (L to R) are Edna Pilatu and Esther Gallagher. Seated behind the table (L to R) are Anne Fowler, Sharon Armstrong, Betty McDermott, and Marge Rehkemp. Stand (L to R) are Maureen Begley, Anita McLaughlin, and Gloria Liebling. Affectionately now known as "Ladies of the Day" as the club's president, Corky Widerman dubbed them. It was a good day for local Kiwanians to honor their beginning and remember the past!