Emily Makhlouf Chosen Teenager of the Year by Resiterstown Club
by Steve Jenkins
Emily Makhlouf has been selected as the 2009 Teenager of the Year by the Kiwanis Club of Reisterstown, a Senior at Franklin High School, was selected from a field of nominees from the area's high schools. Nominees were evaluated on their academic achievements, volunteer service, citizenship and leadership performance.
The award was will be presented to Miss Emily Makhlouf by the Kiwanis Club of Reisterstown. Emily Makhlouf is the daughter of Gaby and Susan Makhlouf and sister of Sarah and Jon Makhlouf of Reisterstown.
She is active in the National Art Honor Society and the Steering Committee. Class President for her Junior and Senior Year and Captain of the Cross Country and Track Teams. She tutored honors and gifted and talented chemistry students before her morning classes. She also tutored physics and math students on her own time. Her interests are in running cross country and track, swimming and art.
Emily will be attending the University of Maryland and hopes to major in Civil Engineering Wastewater Management. She would like to work in developing countries by designing water purification systems.
The Kiwanis organization's major emphasis is "serving the world's children," and a major focus is youth services. Kiwanis clubs throughout the world sponsor Circle K clubs in colleges, Key Clubs in local high schools, Builders Clubs in middle schools and K Kids in elementary schools, as well as mentoring teens and other projects benefiting children.
The Club also contributes to the Kiwanis International goal to raise $75 million to eradicate iodine deficiency disorder (IDD) throughout the world. IDD is the result of a lick of iodine in the diet and causes mental retardation, goiter and other impairments. In partnership with UNICEF, Kiwanis International is helping to build salt plants, educating families on proper diet and working with third world Steve Jenkins governments to regulate salt manufacturing to include iodine.