Showell Elementary Science Fair Judged by Kiwanis Club of Ocean Pines - Ocean
by David Landis
Every year members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean
Pines - Ocean City judge the projects submitted by the
of Showell Elementary School for their Annual Science Fair.
The mission of Kiwanis is "Serving
the Children of the World". What better way to serve children than to participate in projects at local
schools. Pictured right is Showell's Principal Paula Jones,
also a member of Kiwanis, welcoming the judges.
Nearly 50 projects were submitted for judging by children
from grades 1 through 5. Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten
children also submitted class projects, but those projects
are not eligible for judging and submission to the Worcester
County Science Fair where all the Worcester County Schools
compete on January 21st at the Worcester Technical High School
beginning at 6 PM. Judges did write comments on the Pre-K
and Kindergarten Projects to let the children know how much
their projects were also appreciated. Encouragement goes
a long way.
Projects can be "Experimental" and "Non
- Experimental" and can be done by individual students as well as by a class as a group. Judging
the projects, one appreciates how much effort is put into
a project and how much can be learned from the information
provided. Pictured leftin front of their First Grade class
project, "EGG-STRA SAFE SHIPPING", an experiment about the best way to package eggs for shipping are: (L to R)
first grade students Erin Hurley, Damiana Coffey and Eric
Gwin with their teacher, Mrs. Raffo. Kudos to all for participating.