District Mid-Winters Begins With DelMarVa & NOVA Region Conferences
By Bob Cressy, Past Governor Capital District
January begins the refreshed Kiwanis season to fine tune our club and division programs and goals into even more effective Action Plans. Yes, January begins the Capital District's Mid-Winter Regional Conferences. What a great chance to get ideas to make mid-year course club adjustments, find new ideas and socialize with fellow Kiwanians.
This Regional structure versus the single 'big tent' annual conference in a town distant to many attendees has worked very well. We have many more attendees, i.e. club officers and chairs, participating in workshops, seminars, club training and exchanging ideas with each other. We have sessions in the Regions where you live, so the travel distance is less, the cost is less, and for most there is no over night expense. Plus, regional and division leaders can tailor the event more closely to their club's needs. In addition, District officers and chairs come to you, to help you and you club. What could be better? No, we're not coming to your house.
DelMarVa Regional Mid-Winter Conference Held in Ocean Pines
The DelMarVa Regional Mid-Winter was held in Ocean Pines, Maryland, Saturday, January 17th. This region is composed of Divisions 11, Allan Kujala LG, and Division 15 with LG Robert Weaver. After the opening session with greeting and recognition, Kiwanians got right to business with workshops. Club officers and chairs decided who would attend which workshop so each club can cover as many sessions as possible bringing back ideas and information to their clubs. (Pictured Dale Collins, newly elected Capital District Trustee from the DelMarVA Region presents the Distinguished Club and President Award to Rosemary Cummings of the Rehoboth Beach Kiwanis Club for 2007-2008. Well deserved!)
Workshops included the following sessions, among some others:
- SLP: Aktion Club More
- Than Just Saying Grace
- Service Leadership programs
- Grow Your Club Or Die …
- Service: It is What We Do!
- Strategically Speaking - Gov. Tom
- Committee Services
- You Are The Key to Key Leader
- Campus Recruiting for CKI
- What Does The "I" means in "KI"?
A buffet luncheon was held with calls to our KI Convention in Nashville June 25 to 28th and the Capital District Convention in Dover, DE on August 21-23rd . Awards and recognition were given, including Distinguished Club status for 2007-2008 for Dover, Rehoboth Beach, Bridgeville and Elkton. Well earned congratulations! Remember, the criteria to become a Distinguished Club includes M-W conference attendance, and ICON and DCON attendance. For good reason: You learn things there!
The Key Note speaker was Capital District Governor Tom Ganse gave his "Strategic Plan for the Capital District' complete with his very informative power point presentation. There was a full compliment of Kiwanis Clubs from the Divisions, so well done again.
Kiwanis Regional Conferences should include representation by all of the K-Family. The Key Clubs of DelMarVA not only attended the Kiwanis MidWinter meeting, but had their own session, AND had a service project. They made over 400 - that's Four Hundred Peanut and Grape Jelly sandwiches for a shelter while at the Conference. Shown are Zone Administrators Millie Edgar and Justin Garrow (organizer of the real FUN/crazy portion of K-Family Weekend in September), along with sandwich makers and some of the bags of PBJs. The new record to beat, Clubbers.
Northern Virginia Mid-Winter Conference Held In Fairfax
The NOVA Region had their 4th Mid-Winter Conference at the Fairfax Government Center (and what a government center … a little like the Tajmahal) January 17th. Once again, informational work sessions you can use highlighted the day. (Pictured left Brian Bell, District Trustee of the Northern Virginia Region (Divisions 10 & 20), addresses the attendees in the Fairfax County Government Building auditorium. Your Lieutenant Governors Tom Murphy, Division 10, and Jeff Wolff, Division 20 were also on duty as well as Governor-Elect Don Dudey! Ha!)
Along with the luncheon speaker form George Mason University, Lori Petterson, who spoke on "Fundraising: Beyond the Gift Wrap", and a brief address by PG Jerry Peuler, candidate for KI Trustee in Nashville, there were important Work Shops which included:
- You are a New Kiwanian … Now What? (A two session roundtable discussion)
- K-Kids & Builders Clubs
- Club Secretary Session
- Fighting to Save Children in Africa
- Unlocking Your Leadership Potential
- Increasing You Impact: Service Projects for Your Club's Community
The closing session included presentations on the ICON in Nashville and the DCON in Dover. Also drawing and door prizes were presented. $857 was netted for the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation's Pediatric Hospital support from which all Regions benefit. There are seven pediatric hospitals that receive your support. (Pictured No Mid-Winter is complete without a pitch to attend the ICON and the DCON. Here are four probable ICON attendees, left to right: Distinguished Division 11 LG Allan Kujala, Past Governor Bob Cressy, Elvis (he's still there) and PLG Gary Horseman. A likely crew. Now Gary and Bob were actually LGs together, but that's another story. Well, our hats match.)
Upcoming Region Mid-Winters in the District - Register For Yours!
The schedule for the remaining six regional Conferences follow. See the District web site for specifics of location and registration forms. Current Presidents, President-Elects, Secretaries and committee chairs should attend, along with interested members. You can't get this training and preparation any where else, so sign up … please.
- Heart of Virginia 7 February Divisions 4, 18 & 24
- Hampton Roads 7 March Divisions 13, 16, 21 & 23
- Presidential 14 March Divisions 5 & 9
- Potomac 21 March Divisions 1, 17 & 22
- Mason Dixon 28 March Divisions 9, 12 & 14
- Southwest Virginia 4 April Divisions 2, 3 & 8