Club Snapshots
Mount Vernon Club: Ms. King spoke about the two MVKC programs that are working at her high school, namely, a very active Key Club and a special mentoring program for at-risk teens called the 30-30 Club that the MVKC supports financially and through a liaison by our VP, Kahan Dhillon.
Haysi Kiwanis Club: At Friday night's Miner's Bowl football game between Haysi and Clintwood, area fans donated cans of food and $312 to the Dickenson County Food Bank. In exchange for three cans of food or a $1 donation, fans received a ticket for the drawing of a $100 gift certificate donated by Food City. The food was collected by Haysi Kiwanis Club.
K-Kids: Capital District K-Kids now have a presence on the web. District Administrator Judy Murray has created a wiki. The url is This site will have information about the district, contests, and how to charter a club. Clubs are invited to contact Judy or any of the committee members to post information about club activities.
Old Point Club: Nice photo of the four newest members in the Kiwanis Club of Old Point Comfort. Members, from left to right are Lance Jones, Leola Williams, Janet Brooks, and John Burrell with President and Hampton Roads Regional Trustee Floyd Brown inducting them. Great job, Old Point Club!
Armstrong Fundamental School K-Kids: Division 13 is excited about a new K-Kids club chartered September 13, 2009. The K-Kids at Armstrong Fundamental School was sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Old Point Comfort. April Tran, school advisor and Linda Byrd, Armstrong principal, were presented the charter by PLG Dot Murray.
The Kiwanis Club of Manassas and the Kiwanis Club of Manassas Battlefield held a joint installation of officers on September 24, 2009, with Lt. Governor Lisa Baird presiding over the event. Pictured above, Lisa installs Club Presidents Dr. Jen Weigel (Manassas) and Dave Silek (Manassas Battlefield) with the assistance of outgoing Lt. Governor Tom Murphy.
The Kiwanis Club of Frederick Foundation made a presentation to Miss Katherine Sokoloff of $2,000 scholarship toward her continuing education at Mount Saint Mary's University. Miss Sokoloff spoke briefly to the club about her life and academic studies at the Mount. Pictured with the recipient, on the left, is Frederick Kiwanis President Bill Watson, and on the right, Kiwanis and Foundation member Dunbar Ashbury.
The Kiwanis Club of Frederick held their second Pancake Breakfast of the year on Saturday, September 12th, at Homewood Retirement Center. The club dished out over 230 meals and realized over $3000 from the affair, with additonal funds yet to arrive. Members arrived as early as 5:00 a.m. to begin preparation of the food and began serving at 7:00 a.m. and winding up about 11:00 a.m. Proceeds from the event will be used toward the ongoing "Young Children, Priority One" project conducted by the club.
The Kiwanis Club of Reisterstown sold funnel cakes at the annual Reisterstown Festival on September 12 and 13th. We make and sell funnel cakes as one of our fundraisers. Pictured from left to right is George Wroe and Jerry DeBar.
The Officers and members of The Kiwanis Club of Reisterstown are proud to have one of its own as Governor of the District. Shown is Don Dudey with a plaque that he received at the Convention in Dover, Delaware after he was nominated as Governor for the year 2009-2010.
Reisterstown Kiwanis club joined by Townson grad Harriet Gillan. She joined Kiwanis because she wanted the opportunity to give back to the community and help others. Harriet says shehas more free time, now that her daughters are in college, and she is especially interested in helping children. Harriet states "The Reisterstown Kiwanis is an extremely active group: every month there are multiple fund-raising events, meetings, and activities supporting our mission. I have really enjoyed making new friends and appreciate the warm welcome I received as a new member."
The Kiwanis Club of Reisterstown honored Officer Daniel Kruger from the Franklin Precinct of the Baltimore County Police Department. Officer Kruger is the Community Outreach Officer and the Kiwanis Club recognized Officer Kruger for his service to the community. Starting from right to left, is President Dig DeGarmo, Officer Daniel Kruger, his wife and family and far left is Captain Charles Rapp. The Kiwanis club of Reisterstown wants to show our appreciation to the police that are trying to make our community a safer place to live.
Reisterstown Club's newest member is Matt R. Dawson. Matt's parents, Janet and Dave Dawson, live in Fowblesburg and his sister, Catie, lives in Odenton with her husband, Ron Khosravi. Matt was a member of the Franklin High Shool Key Club. Catie was also in the Franklin High School Key Club, but she graduated four years before him in 1998. Matt works as a bridge engineer for the Baltimore office of Whitman, Requardt and Associates. He joined Kiwanis because he was looking for more ways to serve the community that he grew up in. He said his faith calls him to serve others. We of the Kiwanis Club of Reisterstown are proud to have him as a member. Seen in the picture is Dig DeGarmo, President of the club putting his pin on Matt.
The KCO Mercury 64 Club supported a move of the Downtown Hampton (VA) Child Development Center by helping them clean the vacated building. Mercury 64 has a long relationship with DHCDC that began with $5000 grant to equip one of their class rooms. DHCDC provides pre-school services to all Hampton families with generous financial assistance to those in need. Pictured are Amy Thorstad, Club President and Monte Correll.
The Kiwanis Club of LaPlata presented to Maureen Jenkins, Pediatric Nurse Manager of the Civista Health Center of LaPlata, eight blankets made by our club. Several club members worked hard one Sunday afternoon and created these soft, fleece, knot-tied blankets for eight lucky newborns. We are planning another blanket making day soon. Pictured: Maureen Jenkins, Emily Ferren, Judi Gorney
KI CEO Rob Parker (above left) visited the Waldorf Club on September 16 as the guest of KI Trustee Jerry Peuler. After delivering the news from KI, Parker was presented with several gifts. CD Foundation Trustee Harry Kriemelmeyer presented him with a Life Membership in the Capital District Foundation. President Rob Parks presented him with a plaque honoring him for his dedication to Kiwanis. Governor Tom Ganse (above right) gave him "his wings" - a Top Guns pin.
Past Governor John Tyner presented Potomac Kiwanis Club Dave Drake a "Life Membership" in the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation for his leadership as President 2008-2009 not only in the many service projects and fellowship gatherings, but in the clubs building of a new Key Club at Winston Churchill High School, Potomac, and adding nine new quality members. Thank you, Dave, and thank you too, John, for recognizing some "one who has made a difference in his community".