Smithfield Installs New Officers
by Karen Foster
On the evening of September 24, the Kiwanis Club of Smithfield celebrated a fine 33rd year and looked forward to a new year at the Annual Installation Banquet. Keeping with tradition, the dinner was held at the Smithfield Station beginning with a social hour that led to a wonderful dinner of filet mignon and crabcakes.
Outgoing President, Angie Lowry, recalled the highlights of her Presidential year while incoming President, Bob Cole, outlined his hopes for the coming year. Bob remarked that the District goals are "12% more service hours, funds raised and members recruited. Those are the benchmarks that are achievable with our currently scheduled evolutions. As long as we are going to expend the energy to run the club, we might as well try to be one of the Division's best."
Our own member and incoming Lt. Governor, Peter Stephenson bestowed the honors on the club's 2009-2010 Board of Directors. The new Board consists of:
President-Bob Cole
President Elect-Sherry Vincent
Vice President-Gerald Gwaltney
Past President-Angie Lowry
Treasurer-Amy Musick
Secretary-Beth Supko
Directors-Jim Blesse, Karen Foster, Bill Laine, Scott Lauder and Carter Williams