Why Should Your Club Charter a New Builders Club: Reason #1
Builders Clubs mean more service opportunities for my club!
by Jen Dugent, Builders Club District Administrator
Whenever I speak to Kiwanians about what it is that they would like to do to help improve their club, most of them will mention an increase in hands-on service opportunities. Even the clubs that do a lot of hands-on service often find themselves in a rut doing the same old projects. With Builders Club comes an opportunity for your club to really branch out and do projects that are thinking outside of the box. As Builders Club members, the students are the ones that come up with the projects and plan ways to execute them. Middle School/Junior High students have a different view of the world and its needs compared to adults that are in Kiwanis; they may come up with very different projects that your club may not have thought of.
Of course they won't want to do those projects alone. As with all Service Leadership Programs, the students want their Kiwanians to help them. They need your support and your guidance, and that's where your members come in. When the students a want to have a "Breakfast with Santa" for needy children, it is the Kiwanis Club that can find an organization to provide the children, and the Kiwanis Club that can make the food. (Providing a Santa wouldn't hurt either!) The students would collect the toys, wrap them, and assign ages to each gift, as well as provide the entertainment for the children. When the students want to do a park clean up, it is the Kiwanians that can provide the tools and transportation. When the students want to repaint the school, it is the Kiwanians that can teach them about safety and how to paint (as well as take them paint shopping!
The possibilities are endless when it comes to service opportunities with your Builders Club members. But first you need a Builders Club! Contact Builders Club Administrator Jen Dugent to learn how your club can get your very own Builders Club.