Mentoring and Kiwanis Make a Difference
by Bill ButtsThree years ago, Diane DeAtley, the counselor of the Mt. Airy Middle School approached the Mt. Airy club to help fund and get a new mentoring program started at the school. We did not hesitate and continue to support and be closely involved with the program (e.g., two of our members are mentors in the program). The program continues to thrive and expand: the first year there were 10 mentors, 12 mentors the second year, 16 the third year, and this school year there are 21 MS students who will be in the program. Plus the program has also spawned a "Buds" program with MS students mentoring Mt. Airy ES students.
The big news, however, is the difference the program is making in the lives of both these children as well as the mentors. Attendance is up, grades are up and the self esteem of the students is on a positive curve as well. It's a winner of a program and the Mt. Airy club is very pleased to be involved.
DeAtley and two of the mentoring program volunteers recently spoke to the Mt. Airy Kiwanis Club. They provided an update on the growth of the program since last year and the positive results the program continues to generate. Kiwanis, in turn, used the opportunity to present Diane and the program with funding to be used toward the 1009-2010 school year. Pictured (Left to Right) are: Glee Butts-Kiwanis member and Youth Services Chair, Diane DeAtley, and volunteer mentors- Donna and Larry Fritz. (Photo by Chuck Botts, Kiwanis Club Photographer).