Crofton Kiwanis Club Halloween Parade and Blood Drive
by Joe Narcavage
The Crofton Kiwanis Club is sponsoring the 33rd Annual Crofton Kiwanis Halloween Parade in the community of Crofton on October 31, 2009. Residents of Crofton line the Crofton Parkway to view not only the children in costume, but local high school bands, floats, fire equipment and other conventional parade participants. The club provides free refreshments and prizes for parade participants at the Crofton Elementary School following the parade. Kiwanis member Kathy Spayd is committee chairperson for the event.
Also following the parade this year will be the club's blood drive held quarterly in conjunction with the Anne Arundel Medical Center Bloodmobile (also a parade participant). Kiwanis member Susan Lange chairs the blood drive committee for the club.