Plan Now to Support the Spring 2010 Key Leader Weekend
by Nicole McDermott
Our spring 2010 weekend will be April 23-25, 2010, at Arlington Echo Outdoor Education Center, in Millersville, Maryland. This date is approximately one month after Key Club District Convention and does not conflict with Passover, Easter, SATs, or local spring break weeks. Arlington Echo is the same location as the 2008 and 2009 spring Key Leader events and consists of 24 wooded acres on the Severn River and boasts heated cabins, a dining hall, an outdoor ropes course, and more. Arlington Echo is about 45 minutes from Washington, D.C., and about 20 minutes from Annapolis. Corey Goggin from the Kiwanis Club of Tysons Corner/McLean is serving as our 2010 Arlington Echo site coordinator.
Kiwanis International has determined that the 2010 registration cost will be is $215.00 per student. Kiwanis Clubs are strongly encouraged to plan to sponsor students now and include Key Leader in club budgets for the 2009-10 Kiwanis year. Meals, lodging, t-shirt, participant manual and more are included in registration fee. Unfortunately, while the Kiwanis International Foundation is still financially supporting the Key Leader program, they are no longer offering scholarships or discounts for Key Club or Builders Club members.
The spring Key Leader events are open to any current 8th-12th grade students (in or out of Key Club or Builders Club). Once again, our goal for this event will be 60 students plus an additional 8-10 student facilitators. We were so very happy that our 2009 event "sold out" with 80+ students attending Key Leader and reaping the benefits of this tremendous program!
Key Leader is a leadership education weekend for high school students focusing on the concept of service leadership and five principles: integrity, growth, respect, community and excellence. The weekend is casual and includes hands-on exercises; writing and reflection activities; cooperative, team activities; physical challenges and more. Students arrive between 4-6 p.m. on Friday and depart between 11 a.m.-12 noon on Sunday. All adult chaperones have undergone background checks, and the weekend is run by a professional facilitator who has successfully completed a training course on the curriculum and who brings experience working with young people.
Thank you again to all of the Kiwanis Clubs that supported Key Leader in 2009! A number of banner patches have been distributed to clubs by mail as a thank you for supporting this program. All clubs that sponsored at least one student were emailed twice in the last month or so about providing a mailing address so that a banner patch could be sent to the club. However, many clubs did not respond to this request. If your club sponsored a student and you did not yet receive a banner patch, please email a club mailing address to as soon as possible and a patch will be sent to you.
For more information about the Spring 2010 Key Leader weekend, please contact Capital District Key Leader Chair Nicole McDermott at or 703.917.8877. Search Capital District Key Leader on Facebook and become a fan!