Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City Club Report
by David Landis
Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast After The Snow
By Saturday February 13th the snow was no longer falling, most roads had been plowed, and people were ready to get out of the house. Thankfully, many came to the Kiwanis Club's annual winter Pancake Breakfast. Of the three breakfasts held each year, this one usually has the smallest turnout which was true again this year. However, when you consider all the elements, to have served as many people as Kiwanis did, it was a success. While Ralph Chinn (left) and Bud Breidenstein were flipping the "flapjacks". They kept repeating, "If we make them, they will come". BJ Baker (left) and Wilma Chinn greeted the customers at the front door of the new Ocean Pines Community Center which was used for the first time by the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City for the breakfasts which traditionally had been held in the old Community Hall. Thank you for your continued support. Funds raised go to the local club's Scholarship Fund to award yearly scholarships to local deserving high school senior students to further their education.
Kiwanis Visits Buckingham Elementary K-Kids
Buckingham Elementary in Berlin, MD has a K-Kids Club which is a Kiwanis Club for students in elementary grades. They are currently working on a Valentines' Day project called "Candygrams" to raise money for their K-Kids team which will participate in the Relay for Life Night on May 7th to fight cancer. On February 4th members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines-Ocean City made an interclub visit to Buckingham to work with the students to prepare the 'Candygrams" by tying pink ribbons onto the red tootsie pops to sell for 50 cents each for Valentine's Day. The "Candygrams" a a great way for sending a nice Valentine's message to friends and family and raise funds. Pictured are Kiwanians sitting at the tables working with the children. The K-Kids at Buckingham are lead by teachers Mrs. Wooten and Mrs. Young and meet weekly after school. Children learning how to work for their community and become leaders of tomorrow. Mrs. Wooten sent the Kiwanis Club this note of appreciation: "You dear ones are the VERY BEST! THANK YOU so much! We love that our students get to see such wonderful caring adults who give so much to our community and do so much for our kids! Happy Week-end!" Debi (Wooten)
Superintendent Of Schools Addresses Kiwanis Club
Dr.Jon Andes, Superintendent of Schools for Worcester County Maryland, addressed the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City on February 3rd as the guest speaker at the weekly meeting in the Ocean Pines Community Center. He started by telling the club that his father is a member of the Kiwanis Club in Lewisburg, PA. His message was very encouraging, addressing the exceptionally good performance of the county's students as it relates to the state and national tests administered annually to students from grades 3 through 8. Worcester County ranked FIRST in the state among the 24 Maryland school districts for 7 of the 12 test categories which encompassed Grades 3 through 8 for Math and grades 3 through 8 for Reading.
Dr. Andes also spoke about the 87% of the Worcester County class of 2010 senior students who meet and exceed the Maryland High School Assessment Requirements. Additionally the Worcester County Graduation rate has exceeded the 85% state requirement with a rate averaging at 95% from 2006 through 2009 which translates to second highest in the state, while having the lowest dropout rate in the state. Dr. Andes, on the right, is pictured with Kiwanis President Dan Peletier, who thanked Dr. Andes for making the club aware of how well the children of Worcester County are being educated. The mission of Kiwanis is "Serving the Children of the World". The local club is involved with local schools with Kiwanis "K-Kids" in elementary schools, Kiwanis "Builders Club" in intermediate schools and Kiwanis "Key Club" at the high school level as an extra-curricular program to help promote leadership and the awareness and participation in community service.
Kiwanis Donates to Showell Elementary
Principal Diane Shorts of Showell Elementary School attended the February 3rd weekly meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines-Ocean City at the Ocean Pines Community Center and was presented with a $1500 check by Kiwanis Club President, Dan Peletier.
Principal Shorts explained to the membership how the donation is used in support of the school's annual Science Fair and annual Maryland Essay Contest, both of which are judged by Kiwanis members. In addition, there is a special additional library to the school's library known as the Literacy Library for which more books are purchased from the Kiwanis donation. The Literacy Library is used by teachers with students who have special needs. This is a perfect example of the mission of Kiwanis which is "Serving the Children of the World".