Mt. Airy Club: Two Groups Share Focus on Youth
by Chuck Botts
Mt. Airy Kiwanis Club was recently treated to a stimulating presentation by a local group that fully shares Kiwanis focus on youth and making a difference in our communities. The CCPS Education Foundation is a non-profit group created to support and enhance the education of all public school students in the county. Since it's inception in 2006, the Foundation has allocated over $150,000 in support of a wide range of deserving initiatives, including, among others: literacy and mentoring programs, purchased equipment and software to benefit children with disabilities, music and arts programs, and health, wellness and fitness programs.
In 2009 alone, the Foundation distributed over $40,000 to 33 different schools and programs. Pictured in the photo are (Left to Right):...Tom Walker, Mt. Airy Kiwanis Club president, Virginia Harrison, Foundation Board Member and community liaison, and Nick Dahl, Student Government President at So. Carroll HS and student liaision to the Foundation (and, in our opinion, future Senator from the soverign state of Maryland). More information on the CCPS Education Foundation can be found at the group's website:, or by calling their office at: 410-751-3468.