April 2011 eBuilder Front Page
Club Satellites that Become New Kiwanis Clubs
At Kiwanis International, one of our Flexible Membership Initiatives is a club satellite-designed to attract folks who have particular reasons or circumstances for not joining a Kiwanis club. A club satellite is a group of people who become members of a hosting club but independently hold meetings and events at a separate location-for reasons such as living in a different community that doesn't have a club, needing different meeting times or focusing on a Service Leadership Program.
No minimum number of members is needed to initiate a club satellite. However, a club satellite group that reaches 25 or more people can petition for its own charter without penalty to the host club to be distinguished.
When petitioning for a charter, all charter members-including those coming from a club satellite-must pay the applicable Charter Member Fees to Kiwanis International and to the district.
An example: in March, your club forms a club satellite with 15 people by adding those members and paying their new member fee of US$42 each in Tier A. (See a complete guide of the prorated fees for new members of existing clubs here.) In September, the group reaches 25 or more people. At that time, all of the club satellite members must pay the US$50 charter member fee (Tier A countries) to organize the new club.
In addition, please remember: for the hosting club to avoid penalization for the distinguished recognition, the paperwork must indicate what hosting club each club satellite member is coming from. For more information, contact Member Services or at 1-800-KIWANIS, ext. 411.
2011 Dist. Conv. Aug. 19-21 Williamsburg, VA |