April 2011 eBuilder Front Page
My Key Leader Experience
by Shelby (2010-11 Key Club Lt. Governor from LaPlata, MD)
There are few experiences that I can say have affected me in a way that I know I will carry with me for the rest of my life. However, I am proud to say that Kiwanis Key Leader is one of them.
Key Leader is an educational weekend retreat that challenges and enlightens young people about what they are capable of doing as leaders in their communities. There have been over 13,000 Key Leader graduates since 2005 throughout the United States, Canada, Grand Cayman, Brazil, El Salvador and Malaysia, and I think that each one of them would attest to what a life-changing experience it was.
The weekend focuses on five main keys to excellence, including personal integrity, personal growth, respect, building community and the pursuit of excellence. All of these lay the foundation for exemplary young adults who step up to fulfill the roles that Key Club and other organizations will create for them in the most effective way possible.
Using this knowledge during my year as Lieutenant Governor made me that much more prepared, enthused and determined to succeed.
My experience at Key Leader did something completely unexpected - by pushing me out of my comfort zone, and forcing me to learn in situations where I wasn't entirely comfortable. Although this may sound terrifying, it was one of the best things that could have happened. First, each individual is placed in a "neighborhood" with 7 other strangers, and they are asked to work together in a team to complete tasks like drawing a perfect leader, or creating a skit to perform in front of the group.
Then, if that wasn't challenging enough, we were taken onto high ropes courses that demanded trust and faith in this group that we had just met to keep our bodies safe. Lastly, and most importantly, each student is asked to explore within themselves for answers that they have never considered before about what they believe, how they solve problems, what their passion is truly for and much more. Students write letters to themselves that Key Leader sends to their homes 6 months later, to preserve the knowledge and experience they gained. For me, this letter was like a Christmas present that I forgot I was receiving, and reinforced even further how grateful I was for the time I spent during that weekend.
The thing that struck me as most appealing during the weekend was the sense of support, welcoming and friendship that immediately developed within my group. Whether we were playing games, roasting marshmallows at campfires or making a giant dance circle, it was incredible to me that I had found that many new friends who felt the same way I did about not only that weekend, but about service, leadership and their lives in general. Students create mailboxes for their fellow campers to leave them "Key Leader grams" to encourage each other or just say something nice. New friendships are inevitably formed, and are just another positive aspect that can be taken away from the weekend. Key Leader is not only for Key Clubbers, but for any student between the ages of 14 and 18 and serves as their first step to a fulfilling life of service. For non Key Clubbers, this is their first introduction to the Kiwanis Family.
Throughout everything I have learned and experienced in my years of Key Club, Key Leader stands out for me as the most hands-on, interactive and incredible tool for self-discovery that made me not only a better leader, but a better person as well. It is an experience that I would recommend for every young adult who seeks to embody the objects of Key Club International, or who wants to learn more about themselves as a person. No matter how you enter, it is impossible to leave without a changed perspective on who you want to become, and an irreplaceable sense of confidence in what you will achieve.
I will be returning this April as a student facilitator, and encourage all of you to join me in this unbelievable program that will spark a change in your life and give you a basis for the incredible people you all are on the road to becoming. Thank you.
There are two Spring 2011 Key Leader weekends - April 15-17, 2011 - Williamsburg, Virginia AND May 13-15, 2011 - Millersville, Maryland. Registration is currently open online for both of these events, and there is still space available in either weekend. For more information, please contact Capital District Key Leader Chair Nicole McDermott at CapitalKeyLeader@gmail.com or 703.829.5481. Search Capital District Key Leader on Facebook and like it! Visit www.youtube.com/CapitalKeyLeader and watch live student testimonials about the quality of the program.
2011 Dist. Conv. Aug. 19-21 Williamsburg, VA |