April 2011 eBuilder Front Page
Charlottesville Kiwanis Volunteers at Habitat Store
by Jim Hart
On Monday, February 28, Charlottesville's traditional fourth Monday evening "service work night" took place at the Habitat Store, a retail sales store which, according to Operations Manager Halsey Blake-Scott, provides a self-sustaining funding source to Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville. "The store extends Habitat's mission by making home maintenance more affordable," he said, "and also assists the community in recycling and reusing surplus new and used building materials, thereby reducing the flow of materials in the waste stream." Twenty Kiwanians, directed by PLG Dick Fowler and work night coordinator Charlie Krizek, rolled up their sleeves and tackled a variety of projects on both floors of the expansive facility.
Above, President Jim Hart preparing a large window and door unit for display.
Members (from left, Philip Day, Dick Lear, and LTG Herb Ely) apply their exacting measurement skills to the large inventory of door units, dry wall, and other building modules.
Following the service work, the club was treated to a scrumptious Tex-Mex-style dinner catered by the students of the culinary arts class of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Technical Education Center (CATEC).
2011 Dist. Conv. Aug. 19-21 Williamsburg, VA |