Rehoboth Club and Special Olympics
by Rosemary Cummings
For the 19th year, Rehoboth Kiwanis Club volunteered at the Special Olympics Fishing Tournament making and serving lunch for the participants and their families. Kiwanians worked alongside Lions and church organizations cooking hamburgers and hotdogs after filling lunch bags with goodies. The volunteer crew finished the wrapping, just as the anglers came off the pier. After lunch, winners for First Fish, Largest Fish, and the Most Fish Caught received trophies from the Anglers who help sponsor the event. Just as the volunteers were leaving, a mother and son came up to the Rehoboth group to say, "Thank You Kiwanis, the Milford Club helped us for years and we Thank you for this Special day." This is what makes our members proud to be Kiwanis.
The Winners!
Mother and son say Thanks!
Rehoboth Club members.