Charlottesville Club Refreshes Sexual Assault Resource Agency
by Jim Hart
Nearly two dozen Kiwanians and guests descended upon the Sexual Assault Resource Agency headquarters in Charlottesville on the club's "Fifth Monday Evening Service Work Night" on August 30. Tasks included power washing the entire building, preparing 500 packets for a mailing, and painting several large rooms upstairs and downstairs.
Contributing to the success of the event was Ed Schmitz, a local CPA, who was invited to the event by Membership Chair Bob Pflugfelder. Ed did not know "how far he could reach until he stretched"(pictured) and he decided to submit an application for membership in the club shortly thereafter.
Margaret Mikkelson, executive director of the agency, spoke to the group of volunteers who enjoyed a Chinese meal out in the agency's patio garden.
Also, pictured are President -Elect Barb Ritter and Board Director Bill Reusing, as they tackled the daunting task of repainting the vaulted ceiling above the staircase.