Ducky Derby Annual Fundraiser Produces Overwhelming Results
By Joe Maranto & H.L. Marks, Co-Chairs, CDKF
This year's successful Ducky Derby fundraiser produced in excess of $12,000.00 with over $2,000.00 in cash and prizes given out to the lucky winners.
As many of you know, these proceeds benefit the seven pediatric hospitals located within our Capital District. As result of this annual fundraiser, plus income from the Caring Corner sales, Past Governor Riley's Pin Sales, and the $ 2.00 per member campaign, this year each hospital will receive over $2,500.00. (right, Sandra Maranto and Betty Allen selling Ducky Derby Certificates.)
Since its inception in 1987, it is estimated that the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation's Ducky Derby project, has donated more than a Half a Million Dollars to these children's hospitals.
We changed the process of selecting Ducky Derby winners this time. Rather than affixing numbers to thousands of returned certificates corresponding to an equal amount of pre-numbered ducks, we simply drew the certificates from a large rotating drum. By doing this, we eliminated the services of 10 to 15 Kiwanian's, plus Key Club and CKI students working over five hours during the convention in a labor intensive clerical process. This time consuming procedure had prevented these individuals from attending many important training sessions. The new system went so well that we will continue to use it in the future.
And finally, drum roll please, we are pleased to announce the following 2010 Ducky Derby winners:
(All cash prizes were mailed directly to the winners.)
$500.00 CDKF Cynthia Yakske
$400.00 CDKF David Bogart
$300.00 CDKF Queen Johnson
$200.00 CDKF Jim Stanley
$100.00 CDKF Bill Powers
$ 50.00 Charlottesville Kiwanis Towson Univ. Circle K
$ 50.00 Charlottesville Kiwanis Northwest D.C. Kiwanis Club
$ 50.00 Waldorf Kiwanis C.B. Garrette
$ 50.00 H.L. Marks Richmond Kiwanis Club
$ 50.00 N. Richmond Kiwanis A. Brown
$ 50.00 Linda Smith Lisa Bain
The following PRIZES were drawn and presented to the winner's at the convention:
$50.00 - Harry & David Gift card, donated by Stan Miller
$40.00 - CPR Teddy, donated by Ron Reynolds
$25.00 - Panera Bread Gift certificate, donated by Loch Raven Kiwanis
$25.00 - Home Depot Gift certificate, donated by Loch Raven Kiwanis
$25.00 - Target Gift certificate, donated by Loch Raven Kiwanis
$25.00 - Wall Mart Gift certificate, donated by Loch Raven Kiwanis
$20.00 - Cordless Rechargeable Screwdriver, donated by Hank Brodsky
Congratulations to all the winners. CDKF hopes all of you enjoy your prizes! The Capital District Kiwanis Foundation Trustees also wish to take this opportunity to give a special thank you to all those individual Kiwanian's who sold and/or purchased Ducky Derby Certificates. Your efforts have been well rewarded. (right, Joe Maranto, Ducky Derby Co-Chair, Brian Cofrancesco, CKI CapDist Gov 2010-11 and H.L. Marks, Ducky Derby Co-Chair.)
It is only through your active participation and support in the affairs of the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation that we can remain a viable organization. CDKF looks forward to working with all of you again next year. In service, we thank you.