June 2011 eBuilder Front Page
K-Kids Club at Crofton Woods Elementary
by Sharon Drew
The Kiwanis Club of Crofton sponsors a K-Kids Club at Crofton Woods Elementary, and they recently held a "Pennies War". They decided on the Disaster in Japan as their project and started out by making fliers and posters, and made an announcement during the mornings announcements every day. To start out they placed a large container in the center of each grade classroom, and weekly the Faculty Advisors took the coins to the money counter at the bank.
The project lasted 2 months, and the winning grade will be given a "Pizza Party".
The "War" ended last week and the total collected was $4180 with the "1st" grade winning the "pizza party" with 21000 pennies collected. The party will be held on June 1st.
Our K-Kids club consists of around 25 kids, all in 4th & 5th grades. What a fantastic accomplishment!
2011 Dist. Conv. Aug. 19-21 Williamsburg, VA |