June 2011 eBuilder Front Page
VCU Circle K President Visits Cambodia
by Harold Gibson
Avanti Kollaram and an unidentified baby in Cambodia.
Avanti Kollaram, President of the VCU-CKI Club, which the Kiwanis Club of Richmond sponsors, recently visited Cambodia on behalf of Kiwanis International and UNICEF. Avanti was there supporting a program called ELIMINATE, which seeks to promote immunization to prevent maternal and neonatal tetanus. She was there April 1st through April 10.
From her blog on this journey, she says "I know I won't always be able to come visit children in Cambodia, and other areas of Asia that need our help, but I know there are other ways of helping them. What an amazing world we live in where everyone is capable of helping everyone else. We are able to see others in need and we are all capable of helping them. Have you ever really thought about it? I know I haven't until now. We should be so grateful for that alone." Congratulations to Avanti and VCU. Dennis Bussey is the Richmond club's contact member with the Circle K club and recently hosted all the officers at a club meeting.
2011 Dist. Conv. Aug. 19-21 Williamsburg, VA |