June 2011 eBuilder Front Page
Cap. Dist. Foundation Donates $3,400
by Lisa Lasher
The Capital District Kiwanis Foundation made a generous $3,400 gift to the Pediatric Trauma Program to support their nursing education commitment and their purchase of pediatric medical equipment for several departments within the health system. Attending the check presentation are (from left) Linda Laskowski Jones, RN, MS, ACNS-BC, CEN, Vice President, Emergency, Trauma and Aeromedical Services; Marianne Smith, Lt. Gov, Division 11, Capital District Kiwanis and Past President, Greater Millsboro Kiwanis Club; Mark Cipolle, M.D., Medical Director, Trauma Program; Dale Collins, Trustee Delmarva Region, Capital District Kiwanis; and Joan Pirrung, APRN, BC, Trauma Program Manager. The Capital District Kiwanis has provided more than 15 years of significant support to Christiana Care's pediatrics efforts.
2011 Dist. Conv. Aug. 19-21 Williamsburg, VA |