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August 2011
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A is for Africa Visits Mt. Airy Club

by Chuck Botts

The Kiwanis Club of Mount Airy invited Rick and Mary Anne Smith to their July meeting to discuss A is for Africa, a Mount Airy-based charitable foundation whose mission is to improve the lives of children in Tanzania, Africa through improvements in education. One of the most interesting and important points made was the fact that 100% of donations goes directly to the schools and classrooms that A is for Africa has financed. The Smith family pays all their own travel and administrative expenses as their personal contribution. They are currently working in the four Masai community schools where the needs of the children are determined in consultation with the community leaders, the school board, the Head Master and the teachers. Once decisions are made in terms of priorities and funding available, their in-country partners, Maasai Wanderings, allocates the needed funds, purchases the needed supplies and then has the material transported to the schools. A is for Africa does not use any outside/contract services for fundraising but in-person or group appeals. In reality, we are in difficult economic times and increasing our personal donations is hard for many. Some ask why Africa when we have needs right here in the United States. A is for Africa believes that Oprah said it best, paraphrasing, 'There are great needs in the U.S. but there is an infrastructure, imperfect as it may be, to address those needs." In the places where A is for Africa is working, there is little or no similar infrastructure. For example, the Smiths' visited a classroom with 175 children. They saw a math class of over 100 children and 6 textbooks. There are usually five to six children at a desk made for three. There are also several communities with no classrooms where a teacher and the village children gather under a tree. Yet, there are National Exams to be taken even in Tanzania and these teachers are diligently trying to prepare students who have no books, paper or pencils to pass those exams. If you would like to help achieve A is for Africa's mission, please make a fully tax deductible donation. They are currently fundraising for text books, desks and classroom improvements for the Matimu Primary School. Please visit their Face Book page A is for Africa or website, AisforAfrica.org and go to page "How Can You Help". If you would like more information, or to invite Rick and Mary Anne to make a presentation, please email them at Rick@aisforafrica.org. Recently two Mount Airy groups made important contributions, the Rotary Club of Mount Airy and the Mount Airy Middle School Mentors Club. The Mentors Club, which is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, chose to give the entire proceeds from their Spring Flower Sale to A is for Africa!

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