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Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City
by David Landis
Annual Kiwanis Christmas Assistance Program. At the October 26th meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City, Chairman for the Christmas Shoppers Program, Jim Spicknall, got his Kiwanis Shoppers Crew together and assigned the 4 families designated by Worcester County Social Services for assistance at Christmas with Food, Clothing , Toys or Household Goods. The program has been an ongoing annual commitment for the local club. The "Shoppers", pictured (L to R), are Peg Morton, Mike Morton who is the Club's President, Skip Dennig, President-Elect Barbara Peletier, immediate Past-President Dan Peletier, and Chairman Jim Spicknall looking forward to making the holidays happier for four families.
Kiwanis Assists at Blood Bank Drive. Pictured (L to R) are smiling Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City members Tim Collins and the club's Humnan and Spiritual Affairs Chair Reverend David Herr as they man the recovery table where snacks and drinks are given to donors after they give blood. The club has been volunteering to assist the Blood Bank of Delmarva for many years.
Kiwanis Child Car Seat Safety Stickers Still Available. The Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City developed and distributed Child Car Seat Safety Stickers since 2006 for which Kiwanis International recognized the effort with an award that year. The stickers have been supplied to schools, local Maryland State Police, Worcester County Sheriff" Department, Ocean Pines Police and Fire Departments, Ocean City Police Department and various other organizations dealing with children. The mission of Kiwanis is "Serving the Children of the World", and this program fits the bill. Pictured is Kiwanian and Past President Al Kastner with the yellow stickers which are still available as Kastner had another 4000 printed for distribution. The sticker is a self adhesive and has space for parents to fill in the name, age, address and an pertinent medical information about the child, so that, in the event of an accident where the parent/driver is unable to provide information to rescuers or police, the information is readily available to assist in treatment for the child. Keep your Children SAFE!
Kiwanis Welcomes Newest Member, Dick Clagett. Ocean Pines resident, Richard Clagett, became the newest member of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City at the October 26th weekly meeting. Pictured (R to L) are Dick's sponsor, Jim Spicknall, Richard Clagett, Membership Chair Pat Winkelmayer, and Kiwanis President Mike Morton. Dick and his wife, Suezann, have four children and six grandchildren and he enjoys keeping up with the grandkids, traveling with his wife, boating, fishing and golf. After graduating from Johns Hopkins University with a degree in Electrical Engineering and earning a Master's Degree in Science Digital Systems from Loyola College, Dick spent 40 years in the aerospace industry as an engineer and program manager on satellite systems and satellite ground systems. He's enjoying retirement from IBM and Lockheed Martin in the "Pines" and embraced the opportunity afforded by Kiwanis to "Serve the Children of the World" and his community.
Kiwanis Supports Cub Scouts. As the sponsors of the Ocean Pines Cub Scout Pack 480, the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City presented a $500 check to Cub master Amy Albert at the October 19th meeting in the OP Community Center. There are 45 Cub Scouts from the first grade level to the 5th grade level actively enjoying Pack 480 programs. Amy stated that they are taught about God, Community, Family and Personal Growth while learning skills that also benefit them throughout their lives. Pictured are (L to R) Kiwanis President Mike Morton, Amy Albert, and Kiwanis liaison to Pack 480, Tim Collins.
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Kiwanis Kicksoff Annual Holiday Fruit Sale. It's only October, but the 2012 holiday season is fast approaching and for Kiwanis and its supporters that mean it's time to kickoff the Annual Holiday Fruit Sale. There's great news too! The prices remain the same as last year for the fruit that has historically been purchased from Rio Queen for this fundraiser. Orders are available from any Kiwanian and Chairman Roy Foreman can take orders at 410-641-6082. All fruit is sold by the case and makes a wonderful healthy gift for the holidays. Deadline for ordering will be November 30, 2012. for delivery the second week of December.
Kiwanis Donates to Showell Elementary School. Pictured are (L to R) Showell Elementary Assistant Principal Wynnette Handy, Principal Diane Shorts as they accept a $1000 donation from immediate Past President of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City, Roy Foreman in support of the school's programs for the students. There's a school store at Showell as part of the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) Program, a Science Fair and "Kid's of The Month" recognition program that every month recognizes 2 pupils from each of the 33 classrooms to which these funds add support every year. The Kiwanis motto is "Serving the Children of the World".
Winner Accepts 2011 Kiwanis Car Raffle Mustang. The Marzuoli family are shown here at Sherwood Ford where they took possession of the 2012 Mustang they won buying tickets on the Ocean CIty Boardwalk between Springfest in May and Sunfest in September. The winning ticket was drawn on September 25th in Ocean City by OC Mayor Rick Meehan. The Winner was - David S. Marzuoli from Easton, PA Ticket # 084090. The Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City Car Raffle Committee was BJ Baker, Mark Page, Tim Collins, Phil Lassiter, Mike Morton, Ed Aurand, Steve Rosen and chaired by Charlie Warner. Kiwanis withstood a hurricane and a bad economy, but prevailed, raising significant funds for the local club's Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship Fund which provides scholarships annually to deserving local high School senior students. Thank you to all who helped to make it a success.