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Kiwanis Club of Frederick Updates its Members
(Club member Bill Lukens recently updated his club members regarding KI's Bylaws club committee recommendations - Ed.)
by Bill Lukens
At the recent Board meeting, discussion was had on job descriptions for various officers and committees of the Club. This came about because Kiwanis International has come out with a set of 'job functions' that the Board is considering. The Board directed that a copy of the current Club Bylaws and a copy of the recommendations of Kiwanis International be given to all members for their consideration. A Motion to Adopt the recommendations of the KI was tabled until the next Board meeting (11-15-11) in order for all members to be advised of the recommendations.
In a separate transmittal is a copy of the current Club Bylaws. Note the particular functions of the officers (Article VI), the identification of the various committees (Article X) and functions of the Bd of Directors (Article VII). While the Bylaws may be amended, it is very difficult to get KI's approval on any change to the Club Bylaws. They want all clubs to use their 'standard set of club bylaws.' They suggest that the local clubs use 'policies' instead of changing that particular club's bylaws.
Attached is a list of recommendations by Kiwanis International. This list was published by KI for uniformity and the education of the clubs around the world. It is KI's policy on each of these items.
Some of the recommendations may appear to conflict with our Club Bylaws. The KI recommendations have not been incorporated into KI's 'standard set of club bylaws' as of this date. Their position is that all clubs have a right to set their own club policies. These policies are principals under which actions and decisions are made. This Club, for example, could adopt any or all of the above referenced recommendations of KI and that would become a policy of this Club. Currently our Board of Directors has authority (Article VII, Section 4 of the Club Bylaws) to determine policies but before they give further consideration (at the next Board meeting) to a tabled motion to adopt, they wanted the entire membership to be given an opportunity to be heard on the recommendations.
In addition, there are certain present Committees and assignments that could be combined into a new committee called Committee on Club Administration. Currently our Bylaws allow for such a committee, so no change is needed here. We currently have no committee called Club Administration. It just has not been recognized as a current committee. If and when such committee is recognized, it would pick up the duties of the Social Committee, the Inter-club Committee and the duties of public relations (which we do not now have). This too, is one that the Board wanted the general membership to be aware of this possibility.
Attached: Kiwanis International Recommendations