Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City
by David Landis
Kiwanis Donates To 4steps
For Children Kiwanis donated $250 to 4STEPS which is a 501c3 non-profit organization committed to enriching the lives of children and adults with challenges through safe, therapeutic interaction with horses. They are located in Parsonsburg, MD. and can be reached by telephone at 410-835-8814 for follow-up or additional information. The mission of Kiwanis is "Serving the Children of the World". Pictured accepting the check is Sandy Winter from 4STEPS. Left to right: Ed Schaefer, President of the Kiwanis Club of greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City, Sandy Winter, Dick Warren, Gina Krall, and Robbie Richardson. Seated on the horse is Patrick Bounds. The horse's name is "Walker". |
Kiwanis Donates $300
To Junior Golf In Ocean Pines Pictured is Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City President, Ed Schaefer, with Bill Hickey, Vice President of the Board of Golf Governors and chairman of the Jr. Golf Tournament (which is sponsored by the Board of Golf Governors) making a presentation of a check from Kiwanis to support the Jr. Golf Tournament. |
Kiwanis Donates To Children
Oriented Organizations " Serving the Children of the World" is the mission of Kiwanis. At the weekly Wednesday meeting, donations were made to two organizations. Pictured are Wayne Littleton of Believe in Tomorrow accepting a $250 check from Kiwanis Club President, Ed Schaefer, on the right. Donations like this help to make it possible for Believe in Tomorrow to bring seven families with sick children per week during the summer to the Children's House By the Sea in Ocean City, Maryland. Thanks to the continuing support of the community, funds are raised to support these donations. The next fundraiser is the October 11th Kiwanis Fall Pancake Breakfast at the Community Church on Rt. 589, from 7 AM until 11 AM. Cost is still only $5 for Adults, $3 for Children under 12 and Free for Children under 5. Tickets are available in advance from any Kiwanis member or by calling 410-208-4181 or at the door on October 11th. We hope to see you there. |