November 2008
David Maloney, Editor
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Kiwanis Initiative for Africa:
A Challenge We Must Meet

by Raga S. Elim, Ph.D., Chairman, Capital District Committee on International Understanding

Many individuals join Kiwanis clubs specifically because we are an international organization with a global mission-that lofty goal of changing the world one child and one community at a time. To this point, with a few notable exceptions, our Capital District clubs seem to have focused on local efforts directed toward helping our own children and communities. This is commendable, but it does not address the incredible needs of children worldwide...Accordingly, our District Committee on International Understanding has decided to pursue a new approach to achieving our global mission. We have selected Africa because its needs are great and most of us know extremely little about this part of the world...more

Strategic Planning
by Tom Varner, Chair, Strategic Planning Committee

As you know from reading the last Capital Builder, the Strategic Plan was approved by the Board of Directors and the House of Delegates at the 2008 District Convention. Another change that was approved to the District Policies was the composition and the responsibilities of the District Policy Committees. Each committee will be composed of three members of the Board of Directors and three other Capital district Kiwanians. The three Trustees for 2008 - 2009 are Doris Montgomery, Dale Collins, and Jim Jacobs. In addition, Jim Gilchrist was appointed and I was appointed as Committee Chair...more

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Leadership Development Committee
by Tom Varner, Chair, Leadership Development Committee

Your District Leadership development Committee works year round to provide training for Club Officers, Division Lieutenant Governors, and district Trustees. Our goal is to provide each leadership level with only the best prepared leaders.

In this new Kiwanis year, we are introducing two new elements into our instruction. The first is to instill an awareness that can be passed down that Kiwanis is a diverse organization. Kiwanis is world-wide. We have members of all races, all religions, and all nationalities. We are diverse. Kiwanians should celebrate their diversity and want to learn more about other members.

The second is a much larger task for our leaders and that is preparation for developing the District Strategic Plan. The Committee has agreed to include this training for the 2009 - 2010 Presidents in our sessions. In this first year we are also expecting many of the 2008 - 2009 Presidents and the Lieutenant Governors who could not make it to the K-Family weekend. Instructors will be available to aid as they are needed.

We still have a problem in that 65 - 70% of the Club Presidents receive training. If Kiwanis were a static organization that would not be good, but Kiwanis is dynamic and changing and we need to provide instruction to all Presidents. When we add in Secretaries who are required to attend the final session, the percentage drops considerably. With the changes in the KiwanisOne system, everyone needs to keep up to date.

I would encourage all members to see if your officers are meeting your needs by receiving the lasts in Kiwanis information and meeting with their fellow club officers. This instruction is required for a club to be distinguished. Rosters of attendees are submitted to the leadership so that club reports can be cross checked for accuracy.

Your instructors are looking forward to another great year of leadership development and the interaction that attendees produce at each session.

The Kiwanis Family
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Key Club Web site
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Builders Club Web site
K-Kids Web site
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Growth Team
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- Clintwood

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