Airy Kiwanis Ties One On for Project Linus
by Bill Butts
Airy Kiwanis has a long supportive relationship with BSA
Troop 460 in Mt. Airy. We host an annual scout night
for members of our local scout troops (both BSA & GSA
programs), and actively support service projects and other
involvements with both groups. Recently, the club was approached
with the opportunity to contribute service hours in support
of an Eagle Scout project involved with Project Linus.
We were further motivated by the fact that the particular
Scout is the son of club member, John Ohm, and has helped
the club with some of our fundraisers. Most of us had heard
of Project Linus, but had not experienced hands-on participation
in the program. But that changed when several members of
the club stepped forward to help with the blankets on two
successive weekends in October. We may have learned that
we're not the most nimble knot tiers, but it was still
an enjoyable and valuable service experience.