More news from the Alleghany Highlands
by Frank Persinger
At the last regular meeting of the Alleghny Highlands Club, lots of really good things were going on, There were 30 guest and members present for the annual Membership Drive.
There were two guest that were invited to the Membership Meeting, After hearing from a Community Leader on his take on the things that the Club was doing in the community and what has been done, Mr. Allan Dressler, Covington City Director of Public Parks and Recreation thanked the Club for all the support that we have done for the Community,
Several Members of the Club talked about their position in the Club, Nick Moga Chair of the membership Committee introduced Dusti Woodward, President, who gave an overview of the Club and her duties, Don Woodward, Vice President gave the Committee report on activities that each had done and will be doing in the future, Frank Persinger Sr, Secretary gave the History of the Covington and how it became the Alleghany Highlands Club including the Clifton Forge Club which was his Club that he joined in 1974. Bill Jonas, Treasurer gave the Clibs Finances of the Club and what the dues were used for and the need to keep dues up to date, as well as the uses of the Fund Raiser Funds used in the Community Services Account. finally Robin Mieras, a member with two years in the club, gave an outstanding account of her time in the Club and why she has enjoyed every thing about the Club. Long time members Paul Siple has been a member over 40 years, Frank Persinger Sr, 36 years, Jim Oliver 35 years, John Stone, 30 years, Bill Withrow 24 years, other long time members are Life members Fletcher Watson who joined in 1961, and Charlie Nicholas joined in 1958.
The Club is now one member stronger because of this important meeting, Pamela (Pam) Warren, an aunt of a member that sponsored her, signed her application to follow her Father Gerald Edwards, a past President of the Clifton forge Club, to become the newest member of the Club.
A couple other happenings for the Club, planning of the Poker Paddle Jackson River Run is in full speed ahead as well as the Rock the Block Fund Raiser with Old Town Covington is being finalized with the signing to work all four events this Summer by the Club. Tom Gross, Fund Raiser Chairman gave an account of the Pancake Breakfast and the total Raised is now over $3700.00 for the four hrs invested in the project.
Another Scholarship year has seen $3600.00 awards to students of Covington High School and Alleghany Key Club.